美联储理事克里斯·沃勒发表最新讲话称,2024年初的高通胀数据和强劲的就业增长强化了他“不急于”降息的观点。 他强调,最近的经济数据支持今年推迟或减少降息次数。
当地时间周三晚间,沃勒在纽约经济俱乐部发表了题为“There's Still No Rush”的演讲。 他表示,最新的经济数据“告诉我,将利率维持在当前的限制性水平是谨慎的做法,或许维持的时间比之前想象的要长,以帮助通胀可持续地向2%迈进。” 目标向前。”
他称最近的通胀数据“令人失望”,并表示希望在降息之前看到“至少几个月更好的通胀数据”。 他说:
美联储FOMC上周发布的政策声明表示,虽然今年年初通胀有所回升,但2024年很可能会三次降息。美联储主席鲍威尔甚至暗示1月和2月通胀报告可能因季节性因素或其他临时问题而有所夸大。 他还表示,他有信心通胀将继续放缓,接近美联储2%的目标。
相比之下,美联储理事会关键人物沃勒则表现得更为谨慎。 他说:
沃勒驳斥了人们的担忧,即如果美联储维持高利率,经济可能会出现衰退或急剧放缓。 他说:
沃勒的言论反映了美联储高级官员之间关于何时降息以及降息多少的分歧。 上周发布的点阵图显示,19 名官员中有 9 名预计降息两次或更少。 投票委员会成员博斯蒂克表示,他预计今年只会降息一次。
Waller is a key figure at the Fed. He was among the hawks who advocated raising interest rates when inflation was rampant. However, before the end of last year, he changed his tune and became more willing to accept a rate cut amid signs that the labor market was cooling. Waller is now striking a middle ground and urging a slow-moving approach until the Fed has a clearer picture of inflation trends.
"I want to avoid cutting interest rates too early, lest inflation continue to rebound," he said. Waller used the word "no rush" four times in the speech, including in the title.
Nick Timiraos, a well-known Wall Street Journal reporter and known as the "Fed's mouthpiece," wrote an article on February 28, praising Waller for appearing to be very prescient and predicting that the United States could push inflation down to 2% two years ago. target while preventing the unemployment rate from skyrocketing. Timiraos pointed out that Waller has become one of the most watched officials at the Fed, and some analysts believe that Waller may be Powell's successor if Trump returns to the White House next year.
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