


特朗普可能选择杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)——比特币的直言不讳的批评者,并表示将关闭比特币——这是否标志着美国加密货币自由的终结?


  • 认识杰米戴蒙

  • 戴蒙和加密货币:复杂的关系

  • 什么样的未来?


特朗普在 6 月底接受彭博社采访时透露,如果自己赢得即将到来的大选,他正在考虑让摩根大通首席执行官杰米·戴蒙担任内阁中一个关键职位。这个职位就是财政部长。该采访于 7 月 16 日发表。

现在,事情变得有趣起来。杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)这个名字与摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)同义,他是比特币(BTC)和加密货币最严厉的批评者之一。


然而,在同一次采访中,特朗普暗示戴蒙可能已经改变主意。他提到了 6 月份的一次会议,当时他与戴蒙、高管和共和党议员会面,特朗普对他表现出“极大的尊重”。

这并不是戴蒙的名字第一次与备受瞩目的政府职位联系在一起。早在 2016 年,也就是特朗普第一任期期间,戴蒙就曾被邀请担任财政部的职务,但最终拒绝了。

时间快进到 2023 年 12 月,有关戴蒙掌管财政部的传闻再次浮出水面,有报道称,根据接近特朗普竞选团队的消息人士的说法,这种可能性很大。


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杰米·戴蒙是银行界的一位大人物,以严谨务实和强大的领导力而闻名。戴蒙出生于 1956 年,毕业于塔夫茨大学,获得心理学和经济学学位,并获得哈佛商学院的工商管理硕士学位。



戴蒙以直言不讳、有时甚至引起争议的言论而闻名。2012 年,他淡化了一笔重大交易损失,称其为“小题大做”,这引起了强烈反响。

He’s also a vocal critic of regulators and has often sparred with them over financial rules.

But, he is also one of the staunchest critics of crypto and has made several remarks over the years. He has called Bitcoin a “fraud” and warned investors against it, predicting its eventual downfall.

Despite this, rumors of him softening his view have emerged, particularly with Trump considering him for the Treasury.

Dimon and crypto: a complicated relationship

Dimon has never been shy about expressing his disdain for Bitcoin and crypto. His most recent and striking criticism came in April 2024 during an interview with Bloomberg TV, where he labeled Bitcoin a “fraud” and a “Ponzi scheme.”

Dimon stated, “Crypto, if you mean crypto like Bitcoin, I’ve always said it’s a fraud. If they think there is a currency, there’s no hope for it. It’s a Ponzi scheme, it is a public decentralized Ponzi scheme.”

Dimon’s negative stance on crypto was reiterated just a few months earlier, in December 2023, during a Senate hearing. When questioned by Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, Dimon didn’t hold back.

“I’ve always been deeply opposed to crypto, Bitcoin, etc.,” he declared, arguing that crypto primarily serves criminals, drug traffickers, money launderers, and those avoiding taxes. Dimon even went as far as to say, “If I was the government, I’d close it down.”

This stance isn’t new for Dimon. He has been vocal about his negative views on Bitcoin and other crypto since at least 2014. In an interview with CNBC in 2014, Dimon criticized Bitcoin as a terrible store of value, arguing that it could be easily replicated and lacked the legitimacy of government-backed currencies.

He said, “It’s a terrible store of value; it can be replicated over and over. It doesn’t have the standing of a government.”

Another one of his infamous critiques came in September 2017 when he labeled Bitcoin a “fraud” and compared it to the infamous Tulip Mania bubble of the 17th century.

Dimon said, “I’d fire them in a second,” referring to any JPMorgan trader caught trading Bitcoin. He reasoned this decision with, “For two reasons: It’s against our rules, and they’re stupid. And both are dangerous.”

Interestingly, while Dimon has been a staunch opponent of Bitcoin, he has shown some support for the technology behind it — blockchain.

In October 2017, just days before JPMorgan launched its blockchain initiative for interbank payments, Dimon acknowledged the potential of blockchain technology.

“The blockchain is a good technology. We actually use it. It will be useful in a lot of different things. God bless the blockchain,” he said.

Despite his harsh words about crypto, Dimon admitted, “I could care less about Bitcoin. I don’t know why I said anything about it.”

So, what does Dimon’s potential role as Treasury Secretary mean for the crypto market, and might his views influence U.S. financial policy?

What lies ahead?


戴蒙作为银行家的业绩令人印象深刻。在他的领导下,摩根大通不仅度过了 2008 年金融危机,而且变得更加强大。他对监管合规和金融稳定的坚定立场使他成为传统金融界受人尊敬的人物。





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