
Beniamin Mincu(前 Elrond 员工):“MultiversX 现在是游戏开发领域领


在巴黎活动 Proof of Talk 之际,The Cryptonomist 作为媒体合作伙伴,我们对 MultiversX (前身为 Elrond) 的首席执行官兼联合创始人 Beniamin Mincu 进行了采访。

Beniamin Mincu 是一位领先的 web3 企业家,也是 MultiversX 的创始 CEO。作为区块链领域的一位有影响力的人物,Beniamin 负责 MultiversX 构建可扩展的 L1 解决方案,重点关注跨链安全性和互操作性、资产代币化和主权链等领域。

在他的领导下,MultiversX 专注于服务企业和开发者社区,帮助它成为处理速度最高为每秒 263,000 笔交易的 Top-100 L1 项目,并且拥有超过 8,200 个 dApp 和 3,200 个节点的不断增长的生态系统。

在加入 MultiversX 之前,Beniamin 共同创立并领导了 Metachain Capital,这是一家数字资产投资基金,专注于通过资本、关键联系、战略建议等支持区块链领域的创新,并获得 Polkadot、Binance 和 Tezos 等公司的投资。

您对 MultiversX 的长期愿景是什么?您认为它在未来 5 到 10 年内将如何发展?

在 MultiversX,我们正在创建所需的基础设施,以支持跨多个垂直行业和行业的互联网规模链上活动,并使区块链领域摆脱高度孤立和碎片化的体验,这种体验的特点是吞吐量有限和安全保障不足。让我们能够做到这一点的是底层分片技术,它确保了所有数字事物的高效架构,这意味着网络既快速又安全,同时还能减少碳排放。

您能否分享一些成功利用 MultiversX 区块链的现实应用程序和合作伙伴关系?

xPortal 是我们首批核心应用之一,已在 Web3 领域及其他领域引起关注,全球数百万人都在使用它。xPortal 是一款数字钱包,可用于金融、链上体验等。xPortal 将所有复杂的区块链交互抽象化,并提供无缝且直观的界面,可与任何 Web2 应用程序媲美。

当然,我们的生态系统目前拥有 8,000 多个应用,远不止加密支付,还包括 Web3 游戏、数字资产市场、DeFi、桥梁、启动板、代币化或现实世界资产、开发者工具等等。

Another example of a project utilizing the MultiversX blockchain is PlayFi, a GameFi project targeting over 3 billion gamers globally that enables developers to build web3 gaming features on top of traditional games. This, in essence, creates an intersection between GameFi and traditional gaming akin to a permissionless Fortnite tournament.

Our ecosystem’s simplicity and ease of development is reflected in how MultiversX is now the leading blockchain network for game development, with 263 notable GitHub events compared to the runner-up, Decentraland’s 150 GitHub events.

How does MultiversX differentiate itself from other blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Solana, or Polkadot?

Being based on sharding tech, MultiversX is the only truly scalable blockchain capable of growing with demand far beyond the capabilities of other networks. In addition, developers are highly incentivized on the network, as they receive 30% of gas fees when their smart contract is called.

Among the other features that set MultiversX apart is how it supports the ease of development for newcomers to blockchain technology. For instance, our partnership with Tencent Cloud, AWS and Google Cloud led to the creation of a blockchain infrastructure solution that enables application development without the need to start from scratch. This minimizes the inconvenience of deploying and managing MultiversX blockchain infrastructure nodes, saving hours of research and practice.

MultiversX is known for its high throughput. Can you explain the technology behind this and how it ensures scalability without compromising security?

We utilize sharding technology to multiply the capabilities of the network, enabling high-performance use cases on top of our L1 infrastructure and potentially hundreds of L2s exploring Sovereign Chains and looking to ensure scalability and interoperability. This involves splitting the network into smaller, more manageable pieces, maintaining security, speed, negligible costs and energy efficiency at times of exponential activity.

Sharding-tech-powered solutions such as Sovereign Chains go beyond just one vertical and expand into DeFi, gaming, healthcare and enterprise sectors. In gaming, for instance, high throughput and low latency, combined with adjustable transaction fees, enable radically different business models and gameplays.

We further ensure the security of our scalable solution through on-chain 2FA, which requires two separate forms of verification that secure digital assets. Even in the worst case of the secret phrase being compromised, exploiters would remain unable to move funds without the Guardian feature’s co-signing.

What steps are you taking to attract developers and projects to build on the MultiversX platform?

Sovereign Chains provide a robust and scalable foundation for building the next generation of dApps and interoperability of L2s with major blockchain networks such as Ethereum, Bitcoin and Solana. This particularly appeals to developers looking to leverage multiple ecosystems’ strengths to create more versatile and powerful products for last-mile user consumption. To further encourage the development on Sovereign Chains and support developers, we have in place a US$1 million grant program for builders.

We also ensure that extra measure is taken to facilitate a seamless building journey for prospective projects and developers on the MultiversX Network. With a complete Developer Resource Library available, developers can find all the necessary documentation, GitHub and StackOverflow resources.

How is MultiversX navigating the complex regulatory landscape, and what are your views on the future of blockchain regulation?

We have always been in contact with regulators and legislators and believe that the best way forward is facilitated by collaboration with multiple stakeholders, including government officials. One way that we are trying to kickstart public-private initiatives is by showcasing how blockchain technology can be used at the institutional level for greater efficiency and transparency or just to enable different types of engagement with their users or constituents. For example, we have seen the launch of the first institutional NFT marketplace in Romania on MultiversX, with multiple public sector participants contributing collections.

Furthermore, while regulation is inevitable, we strongly believe that it should be coordinated with key players in the field to produce the best results for the public while continuing to encourage innovation. With blockchain, multi-stakeholder collaboration is key. We see that many mainstream entities are starting to realize the cost-saving potential of blockchain-based systems, and creating an environment that fosters collaboration between public officials, private organizations, tech startups, and other blockchain-related entities will drive innovation, encourage investment and provide early economies of scale.

What measures are in place to ensure the environmental sustainability of the MultiversX network?

We have been offsetting more CO2 than is attributable to our energy footprint since 2021. Our annual carbon footprint generated by product development and operations is approximately 5,253 tonnes compared to the financial system’s annual 1,100 megatonnes of carbon emissions and Bitcoin’s annual 62 megatonnes of carbon emissions.

To put this into perspective, our annual carbon footprint is equivalent to approximately 16,422 Bitcoin transactions or 16,422,500 miles of driving. This modest footprint enables exponential efficiency seen in the network’s high throughput, demonstrating a mindset to make blockchain technology a sustainable force for good.

How are you enhancing the user experience for both developers and end-users on the MultiversX platform?

Our Sovereign Chains’ delivers increased performance by dedicating a blockspace and computational resources to one concept, which improves transaction throughput, reduces latency and lowers fees. This catalyzes the performance of applications in gaming, DeFi and other real-world use cases.

In addition, developers will find unprecedented levels of flexibility and sovereignty through the option to customize various aspects of their blockchain, including the security model, fee token model, governance mechanism and VM. This level of customization is instrumental in attracting and retaining users and developers through its unique incentive schemes, tokenomics, and user experiences.

Can you elaborate on the security mechanisms in place to protect the network from potential threats and vulnerabilities?

Most common attack vectors that are present in blockchains are tackled through a large number of participating validator nodes. More nodes equals more security, as the effort/cost to gain control of sufficient nodes to do damage (mint coins, double spend, reject valid transactions, etc) increases. In fact, MultiversX is the second largest Proof of Stake network by validator node count after Ethereum, currently having 3,300+ block producers at the consensus layer.

To make attacks even harder to attempt, nodes are shuffled around shards at random each epoch, so even if an attacker manages somehow (infeasible economically in practice) to get control of a large enough number of nodes, they do not have time to coordinate maliciously. Moreover, MultiversX uses randomness to assign a block proposer and consensus group, resetting each block. The chances of nodes being in the same consensus group are lower than winning the lottery several times in a row.

The security of the MultiversX blockchain and associated core components is a top priority for MultiversX. Our Proof of Stake network is secured by considerable amounts of EGLD and provides valuable services for business or private use. Our mission is to become a layer of trust for digital financial systems at internet scale, and the highest level of security is a mandatory prerequisite. Therefore, we recognize that fostering a close relationship with the broader community helps improve the security of the MultiversX blockchain, and for this, we are running a specific bounty program for several years now, through which we receive and welcome vulnerability reports from researchers, auditor companies and individual experts.

10. What new features or innovations can the community expect from MultiversX in the near future?

作为路线图的一部分,我们将进行重要的升级,使网络速度更快,最终目标是按照最新的研究改进建议实现亚秒级确定性,通过零知识机密交易增强隐私,为移动生物识别和密钥提供链上支持,从而为用户创造无缝和安全的体验。这些只是我们目前正在开展的工作的一小部分。当然,主权链仍然是我们的重中之重,我们正在与有兴趣使用底层 MultiversX 技术开发可扩展、经济高效的链上解决方案的企业进行深入讨论。

热点:区块链 游戏 区块 网络







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