
Improving cognition is the foundation and foundati


Whether it is investment or the process of life, we have always talked about improving cognition. Everyone knows the importance of improving cognition, but few people have talked about how to improve cognition;Talking about problems without talking about solutions is tantamount to being a hooligan!@Svwang1 mentioned that to improve your cognition, you need to personally experience the process of "forecasting - discovering errors - admitting errors - increasing and adjusting thinking models". Only then will your cognition reach a higher level, and then you can make a fortune by relying on this cognition. It feels so good.Life needs to be advanced through this, and investment is even more so. Everyone enters the track together, but I have free wealth and you are impoverished. The dividing line lies in whether you know how to adjust your thinking and improve your cognition after going through a bull and bear cycle. Without this process, you will definitely continue to lose money in the next wave. This is also It can explain why so many people have experienced countless rounds of bulls and bears, but they still lose the most.This is like how to enter a positive cycle mentioned in Ray Dalio's "Principles". Progress must be an upward spiral, not a straight line. The spiral means that you need to go through five steps:1) Setting goals; requires in-depth thinking, synthesis, observation and optimization capabilities;2) Identify problems and have zero tolerance; requires insight, zero tolerance for bad situations, and comprehensive capabilities;3) Diagnose the problem and find the root cause; it requires a high degree of logic, the willingness to "touch the nerves", and the discovery of multiple possibilities;4) Design plans to eliminate problems; requires insight, feasibility, and creativity;5) Execute the plan; it requires self-discipline, good working habits, result-oriented and forward-looking.This process requires us to view the problem itself or ourselves as a series of results produced by a machine. Engage in higher-level thinking by looking down at your machine and thinking about how you could change it to create better results.Among them, setting goals, predicting and adjusting are mechanisms that are relatively easy for us humans to do. It is not a big problem if there is a strong internal motivation for execution, but most people will be blocked from admitting mistakes;It is not easy to admit that you are wrong and have problems, whether it is psychologically or mentally.Failure is largely due to the unwillingness to accept the reality in life and the inability to deal with it successfully; and the so-called success is just accepting and successfully dealing with all realities. The most common weakness among people is their ignorance of the truth and their unwillingness to face their own mistakes and weaknesses.Dalio believes that only by facing your own mistakes and weaknesses can you better find solutions. Every mistake we make helps us find better solutions. Successful people are successful because they can face their mistakes and shortcomings and find corresponding solutions.I once had a very successful friend who told me that he was a "high realist". Realism does not conflict with having ideals, but rather being able to face yourself and the world around you with a strong heart.In human nature, it is easy to put yourself in a higher position and think that your judgment is more correct, especially if you are in a high position or have a lot of money. When most people around you are licking you, it is very easy to lose yourself and think that you are superior in ability. All judgments are correct. When faced with the truth that does not suit their taste, people will simply refuse to accept it.The vast majority of people in this world are unwilling to face reality and cannot accept the real world. This requires a very strong heart, and the willingness to truly look at oneself and solve problems will be the biggest quality that distinguishes success from ordinary people.As the saying goes, you must first break things from within and admit your arrogance and psychological process. But after struggling, you must calmly think clearly, present data by looking at facts, and communicate with friends who can give you advice and ask for advice humbly. Add credibility weighting.In this way, the process is complete! This is also the key or foundation of the entire cognitive improvement; if you want wealth and freedom, you must improve your cognition. This is the only way to go and cannot be bypassed.Ultimately, the reason why a person becomes who he is is the result of his time, family, environment and experience. All his choices seemed accidental, but in fact they were inevitable. Therefore, history is the past and the future.

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