在商业世界中,与利益相关者的有效沟通可以发挥重要作用。 为了确保信息的顺畅流动并收集有价值的见解,掌握即时工程的艺术至关重要。 让我们根据研究过 40 多个组织的专业人士的经验,探讨如何使用结构良好的提示与利益相关者互动。
与利益相关者(包括员工、合作伙伴和客户)的有效沟通超出了生成式人工智能工具的能力。 虽然技术可以在很多方面提供帮助,但重要的是要记住,这些人拥有往往无与伦比的背景知识和洞察力。 有效地与他们互动可以释放大量信息。
任天堂前首席执行官岩田聪在利用利益相关者的见解方面堪称典范。 九年来,岩田聪亲自进行了一系列采访,采访对象包括参与任天堂游戏和硬件创作的员工、行业专家和开发人员。 他的目标简单而有力:收集他们的见解并利用它们来引导组织前进。
例如,在有关任天堂 Wii 硬件的采访中,岩田聪发现工程师们对于在游戏机实力方面不与行业竞争对手索尼和微软匹敌的决定存在着相互矛盾的意见。 通过探究关键利益相关者,他获得了新的视角和见解,帮助解决组织内部的问题。
为了获得利益相关者详细而广泛的回应,有效地构建提示至关重要。 利用开放式提示,例如以“你能告诉我关于……”或“你是如何进行……”等短语开头的提示,以邀请深入的见解。 比较提示对于探索对话中的差异和相似之处、得出观点也很有价值。
反思性和深思熟虑的提示表明您对对话复杂性的理解。 当利益相关者需要解释技术信息时,通过提出相关问题来表达您的理解。 例如,“我了解 [产品 X] 的技术要求,它们与 [产品 Y] 有什么不同?” 鼓励利益相关者自信地分享技术见解。
Encourage storytelling and sharing experiences related to business processes. This not only engages stakeholders but also prompts them to share their own stories and experiences.
Use empathetic language and show humility
Infuse your prompts with empathetic language to establish personal connections with stakeholders. This approach fosters an open and honest dialogue, making stakeholders feel comfortable sharing experiences and opinions. For instance, a prompt like, “I can see very clearly how difficult that situation must have been,” shows empathy and understanding.
Moreover, acknowledging and appreciating stakeholders can build positive reinforcement. Display humility by admitting when you don’t understand something, using prompts like, “Can you explain that to me again so I’m sure that I understand?” This shows that you value their time and knowledge.
Some humor adds positive energy
When appropriate, injecting humor and playfulness into prompts can create a relaxed atmosphere, making stakeholders more likely to share candid opinions. Sharing funny stories or using gentle self-deprecation can lighten the mood and enhance engagement.
Additionally, prompting stakeholders to reflect on past experiences that evoke emotions, such as nostalgia or excitement, can yield deeper and more valuable insights. Expressing your own enthusiasm can ignite similar emotions in stakeholders, fostering anticipation and openness about lessons learned.
Embrace key challenges
Embracing challenges and difficulties is essential. Create an environment where stakeholders feel comfortable discussing both successes and failures, leading to a comprehensive understanding. Use prompts like “What were some of the main challenges you faced?” and “Can you share some of the difficulties your team encountered and how you overcame them?” to gather rich insights about current challenges.
Following up by offering your own advice and experiences can further enrich the discussion.
Be a patient listener
Active listening is paramount. Show genuine interest and engagement in what stakeholders are saying. Make them feel heard and valued by taking notes and offering words of acknowledgment, interest, and gratitude. Even if a stakeholder offers a lengthy response, maintain a relaxed cadence in your prompts to reassure them that you are willing to listen.
Optimizing the guidelines
Different situations may require the application of these guidelines in various ways. Stakeholder discussions can be woven into different settings, from everyday meetings and performance reviews to corporate retreats and informal situations like working lunches. Keeping these guidelines in mind will help gather key information from stakeholders that generative AI cannot provide.
掌握利益相关者沟通中的即时工程艺术是一项宝贵的技能,可以推动组织前进。 通过有效地构建提示、使用反思性探究、表达同理心和谦逊、在适当的时候注入幽默和情感、承认挑战并成为积极的倾听者,专业人士可以释放利益相关者必须提供的丰富见解。 在有效沟通至关重要的世界中,这些策略提供了竞争优势。