Endless Clouds 正在将两款游戏引入 Immutable zkEVM 链。
Axelar 基金会董事兼联合创始人 Georgios Vlachos 在接受 GamesBeat 采访时表示:“从高层次来看,Axelar 致力于让 Web3 变得可用。”
“如果你看看今天的 Web3 用户体验,就会发现从未使用过钱包的真人是不可能加入的。
“通过 Axelar,我们希望让 Web3 变得像今天的 Web2 一样简单易用。
作为用户,您在 Solana 上拥有一些 USDC(一种稳定币加密货币),”Vlachos 说。
“然后你需要用它在 Immutable 上购买游戏内物品,这样你就可以玩你的游戏了。
最终的游戏是,用户将有一个界面,可以使用 USDC 支付来购买游戏中的物品,并且在后端,钱包会跟踪 USDC 所在的位置(可能在 Solana 上),并且它代表用户执行所有这些操作。用户。”
它是为了抽象掉所有的复杂性,桥接不同的链,并使 Web3 尽可能易于使用。
Vlachos 说,用户可以进入前端玩游戏、存钱或开仓,然后所有的跨链交互都将在后端发生。
最流行的区块链上的交易可能需要大约 20 秒才能完成。
他说,通常情况下,在以太坊上,可能需要 10 分钟到 20 分钟才能完成。
但 Axelar 的 Relayers 通过一种安全交接方式根据需要向用户提供资金,用户无需承担任何风险。
Axelar 网络集成的主要优势
游戏可以直接访问以太坊第 1 层用户,简化入职流程,从而增强游戏体验。
通过不可变护照和不可变结帐,玩家可以轻松地将资产移入和移出以太坊第 1 层,从而简化存款和取款。
Immutable 产品营销主管 Michael Powell 在一份声明中表示:“部署在 Immutable zkEVM 上的 Web3 游戏,加上 Immutable Checkout,现在可以通过最大的区块链网络连接到玩家钱包。
此外,Immutable 生态系统的本机实用代币 IMX 将安全地桥接到新的 Immutable zkEVM 环境。
IMX 是用于支付交易费用并激励用户和开发人员积极为 Immutable 生态系统的发展做出贡献的关键组件。
Sergey Gorbunov, CEO of Interop Labs, the initial developer of Axelar network, said in a statement, “The integration of Immutable serves as an expansion pack for the Axelar ecosystem, complementing a platform that already supports interoperability for Web3 game platform leaders like Decentraland and XPLA. This represents a significant step towards achieving interoperability in game development and metaverse environments, a concept discussed since the advent of Web3.”
Jean-Yves Martineau, CTO at SimWin Sports, said in a statement, “With Axelar interoperability integrated into Immutable Checkout, games on Immutable zkEVM are able to onboard transaction-ready players from the entire Ethereum ecosystem. The fragmentation of user funds has traditionally been a user acquisition hurdle for the Web3 gaming industry, but Immutable and Axelar are breaking down those barriers and ultimately fueling fan engagement for SimWin Sports’ AI driven sports simulations. Furthermore, the ability for players to withdraw assets back to Ethereum L1 only reinforces the fact that players truly own their in-game items.”
Axelar will be agnostic when it comes to applications. In gaming, it is working with Immutable, and it has a partnership with Decentraland, where you can buy an NFT on a decentralized platform with a single click. It’s also working with XPLA, which is part of a gaming conglomerate in South Korea.
“It’s a seamless user experience,” Vlachos said. “Every game living on Immutable will be using this technology to seamlessly onboard users.”
The zkEVM solution makes integration easy because Axelar works with other virtual machines. Axelar generates revenue like other Layer 1 solutions based on transactions on the network. Users pay a gas fee on the network and that affects the supply of the token. You need the token to pay gas fees on the network.
Interop Labs created a lot of the initial code, and there are other teams in the community helping as well, with each one building pieces of the solution. Vlachos is part of the Axelar Foundation.
Overall, Axelar is strong on security as it has 75 validators on its network verifying transactions. That decentralization is important as many hacker attacks against blockchain networks have succeeded due to over-centralization. If it succeeds, Axelar hopes to capture a decent chunk of blockchain transactions.
In other cases of hacker attacks, the hackers attacked vulnerable bridges used by a small, preset group of validators to sign (verify) transactions. Axelar network prevents this kind of attack by employing the largest validator set in cross-chain (75). Like Ethereum and other proof-of-stake networks, the Axelar network validator set is dynamic: Anyone can accumulate stake and become a validator on the network.
The work took about three months to get done.
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