1、随着大规模人工智能模型的出现,超级应用将会出现,比ChatGPT更出圈的体验、更直接的体验。 寻找体验和场景救赎的哲学意义,必须逐步与算力的竞争进行较量。 必须清楚地认识到,本轮人工智能升级是机器语言智能能力的飞跃提升,是真正的图灵智能。 然而,Powe AI 需要一个具有更好感官的身体。 这意味着无论历史上多么优秀的编程语言,它都必须有像 VSCode 这样一流的 IDE。 无论操作系统能力的逻辑多么简单优雅,它仍然需要乔布斯在桌面和移动设备上提倡的更加扁平化的UI/UE。 你有没有想过,新型电动汽车之所以引起我们大众的关注,是因为它们首先以跑车、皮卡的身份走上街头。 技术精英不仅仅是穿着格子衬衫的程序员。
新一轮的Web3移动门户竞争已经开始,Metamask很可能会失去主导地位。 这让人想到互联网时代,从门户到搜索,最后像微信这样的一站式应用占据主导地位。 人们想要最便捷的一站式入口。 谁提供的更好,谁就能占据市场主导地位。 这个钱包不是那个钱包,甚至我们对CEX和DEX流动性能力的分析也会逐渐让位于Web3钱包体验和能力的讨论。 更令人担忧的是,追赶Web3钱包的市场领导地位比CEX的现货、合约和IEO交易战要困难得多。 不要以为Web2信息门户来理解Web3金融门户。 因此,我不认为纯粹的社交产品会成为第一门户。
3、比特币突破15万美元。 更多上市公司持有BTC,更多金融机构支持BTC。
4、埃隆·马斯克也将参加加密货币秀,使得狗狗币的价格和关注度再次暴涨。 这个就不多说了,看过《马斯克传》的人都会明白,童年和青少年时期一直被边缘化的钢铁侠,有着书中所阐述的对关注的热爱和对沟通的超强理解” “引爆点”的力量也得到了杠杆作用。 无论如何,命运让狗狗币找到了马斯克这样的主人,狗狗也不用担心自己的身价。
A super game IP enters GaneFi. Among them, there is the market influence inspired by the successful GameFi, the natural diversion, and the second gathering of a large number of outstanding local game production teams in China after they had to go overseas.
5. One of Ordi or Sats, the total circulating market value has entered the TOP20, exceeding 10 billion US dollars. Back then, many people switched to BTC after playing with Ethereum or even EOS. The new generation of investors who can earn BTC the fastest starts by holding Ordi or Sats. The inscription ignited the ecological fire of the Bitcoin network. This fire, like every time in history that disrupted governance, actually wanted better fairness.
6. The Bitcoin ecosystem continues to prosper, and various narratives continue, but the Lightning Network and the second layer have become the driving force. If you want to develop applications, Bitcoin's opcode (OP_Code)-based programmability has always been a bottleneck, but the programming bottleneck has never been a problem. The fundamental question is where we (the mob) are going. However, many people still do not understand that the greatest value consensus in the Web3 field comes from the idea of decentralization, rather than improving production or communication efficiency. On the road to decentralization, whoever betrays the revolution will be abandoned. In history, a boy who slays a dragon becomes an evil dragon, and the boy around him has a sense of mission and kills him instead. This is the spirit and value driven by more and more developers and communities pouring into BTC ecological construction.
7. Perhaps, the ecosystem of the zk system should suddenly emerge and regain the voice of the Ethereum second-layer network, which is dominated by Arbitrum/OP Stack. However, it may not necessarily be directly driven by the existing zk main network. The ecological construction of the second-layer network must have builders, investors and ambitious pioneers who are more active in operations. As for Solana, they never talk about correct values. They will not stop pulling the strings and the market will accept it. This is also another survivor bias of the anti-fragile route in the decentralized world. Solana is a strange thing. From a historical perspective, Regardless of its flowers and cow dung, it is almost impossible to imitate, and it is also something that the META Move public chains coming out of the greenhouse do not understand.
8. The narrative of the combination of AI and Web3 will not stop. AI concepts/robot trading are gradually integrated into scenarios beyond DeFi, GameFi, etc., and may even be ubiquitous. If you ignore the combination of AI and Web3, you will miss the opportunity. Web3’s technical team, from single protocol to heavy application, technology and product design Comprehensive capability requirements will put a small team of ordinary engineers out of reach.
9、史上最大NFT交易市场宣布出售,也可能破产。 过去,NFT市场必须将流动性与ERC20代币结合起来。 下一步,铭文也将与NFT无缝对接。 过去,Web3项目使用ERC20代币进行融资,Web3项目都是冷启动的,从传统ERC20代币的ICO,到参与NFT launchpad,再到如今最流行的社区币持有铭文地址。 如果你不明白,请看信号。 清晰的趋势变化就像在噪音的干扰下观看神奇的变化。 我真是个乌鸦嘴。
10、有可能我们2023年的很多分歧都会在2024年的大牛市中汇聚。毕竟,一旦赚钱了,人们就会互相喜欢。 2024年也是中国年,龙入海。 龙的传人一定要拿回我们一半的市场份额。 融合是我2024年的愿望。