一种著名的基于以太坊的模因硬币,称为柴犬(SHIB),引起了加密货币社区和投资者的狂热。 这是因为其销毁活动在上个月持续经历了大量的代币销毁。
Shibburn 的数据显示,柴犬代币被销毁的速度显着加快。 该平台显示,在过去 24 小时内,燃烧率增长了 161,540%,令人震惊。
Shiba Inu 团队进行的大规模代币销毁是与加密货币相关的销毁率增加的原因。 该团队进行了进一步的大规模销毁,导致超过 80 亿个 SHIB 代币被销毁。
根据平台追踪器提供的信息,该组织燃烧了大约 8,533,564,693 个 SHIB,相当于 100,000 美元。 根据数据可以推断,该团队在今天早些时候 UTC 时间 00:30 准时执行了一笔交易,将 85.3 亿个 SHIB 代币转移到已故的钱包中。
另一方面,该网站透露,在过去的24小时内,共有8,593,932,621个SHIB被销毁。 考虑到它是首次推出,总量 $SHIB 截至目前,已销毁的代币数量约为 410.68 万亿。
最近一次燃烧并不是该团队第一次在 Shibarium 上燃烧大量 SHIB; 事实上,这甚至不是第一次。 仅在这个月内,该队已经第三次进行如此规模的烧伤。
该项目团队成员兼营销负责人 Lucie 在她最近在 X(以前称为 Twitter)上发布的帖子中也证实了这一信息。 在她发布的帖子中,露西透露了最近的烧伤情况,并表示这是第三次进行该手术。
Shiba Inu 船员将价值超过 75,000 美元的惊人 82.4 亿 SHIB 转移到 12 月 4 日被发现死亡的钱包中。12 月 16 日,船员又燃烧了另外 86.1 亿 SHIB,恢复了 Shibarium 动力火焰。 。 这和前一天发生的事情很相似。
目前,柴犬团队已经成功摧毁了价值惊人的253.8亿SHIB的Shibarium。 该团队对改善柴犬环境的承诺通过他们进行的大规模焚烧得到了体现。
Shibarium 交易量显着增加
Increasing the number of transactions that take place on the Shibarium platform is yet another aspect that might have had a role in the growth in the amount of SHIB burn. The number of transactions that take place on the platform has been continuously growing over the course of the last week.
Shibarium has already exceeded the 160 million milestone in terms of the amount of transactions that have taken place on the platform. According to the information provided by Shibariumscan.io, the total number of transactions now stands at 161,047,931 at the time of this writing.
It has been observed that Shibarium has witnessed a substantial rise in the number of daily transactions since the beginning of this month. On average, the platform conducts more than 5 million transactions every single day as of the first of December, with an average of 7.5 million transactions on the majority of different days.
The rise in the number of transactions conducted on Shibarium has coincided with a significant increase in the gas prices associated with the platform. The result of this was that the team used a portion of the fees to consume a significant amount of SHIB at a rapid pace.