纳什维尔 — 终于到了:唐纳德·特朗普总统比特币会议演讲前夕。这意味着星期五是美国总统候选人没有在比特币会议上发表主旨演讲的最后一个工作日。
有人猜测,他将宣布计划,或至少希望美国政府囤积比特币战略储备。特朗普之前曾表示希望比特币 (BTC) 在美国制造,所以也许这会再次出现。也许他会贬低他的可能对手、副总统卡马拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris),因为她拒绝了邀请参加他正在发言的会议。
CoinDesk 记者正在纳什维尔参加此次活动。以下是展会现场的与会者和台上演讲者的发言。
风险投资家、特朗普支持者彼得·泰尔 (Peter Thiel) 的观点与许多人希望这位前总统接受的观点一致:“如果美国拥有比特币战略储备,他们就可以展示实力,”他在台上说道。“美国需要成为比特币的最大持有者和最大的比特币开采者。”
“我想听听特朗普对加密货币的未来发表大胆的声明,激发我们所有人的愿望,”一位自称凯撒并表示自己创立了 MAGA VP memecoin 的人在接受 CoinDesk 采访时表示。“这是一场运动,一场奔跑。这就是我们来这里的目的,也是我们来这里推广的目的。我们都在追逐自由的梦想。”
然后还有“加密爱国者”,这是 MAGA MEME PAC 成员的化名。这是一群加密货币倡导者,他们正在访问摇摆州登记选民,试图统一加密货币选票。(尽管名字如此,MAGA Meme PAC 并不是一个正式注册的政治行动委员会。)
"I hope he just keeps his same tune," The Crypto Patriot said. He's a fan of the U.S. having a bitcoin reserve. "Hopefully they're going to back our reserve with bitcoin and that's what I'm hoping, to give the dollar some stability," he added. "The dollar is currently under attack and the rest of the world is catching on to what we're doing. If we can back it with bitcoin and bring back that standard where the dollar can't be inflated, I think that would be a great strategic move to not only grow the entire crypto sphere but also help America prosper."
Crypto advocate and former political candidate Michelle Bond remarked on the evolution of Trump's crypto stance from hater to fan. "Look at how he's come full circle. We know what's on the platform already, but I think the message should be: We're going to do everything we can to keep this industry onshore and keep the United States the leader in this space."
She added: "I would really like to hear him detail the ways to get there. Also, I think the biggest and best way to do that is through the tone of the talk. You have this positive message and then you say: 'All right, what do I need to do?' and you put in the right financial regulators, you nominate people who are not anti-crypto. One of my ideas for him is to create a crypto czar in the administration and that person be the coordinator among the regulatory agencies and crypto. And he can do executive orders, we have lots of negative executive orders, what about a positive one?"
While many are excited about the Trump speech, not everyone has excitable views on the topic. Bittrex Global CEO Oliver Linch, who is British, brings a more laissez-faire view on the Trump speech. "Will there be any show stoppers, like the bitcoin reserve? Who knows? There'll be some red meat for the crypto enthusiasts, because of course there will be, but I think the fact that he's doing it at all is the story." Linch added: "In the U.K., neither major party even mentioned crypto" in the leadup to that nation's recent election.
And then there are the regular attendees, unattached to any sort of organization – someone like Phil Whatley, a retired software developer from Alabama, who told CoinDesk he hopes Trump clarifies that bitcoin transactions are tax-free. "If you're trading peer-to-peer, with a truly distributed system, then how're you going to tax them?"
What will happen after Trump's Saturday speech? Will bitcoin pump? Will it dump? Will it do nothing? Who knows, though it's hard to see how Trump, the current favorite to win the election, speaking about the topic does anything but help the crypto market.
有什么办法可以实现这一目标?效仿以独立候选人身份参选的总统候选人罗伯特·肯尼迪 (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) 的乐观态度。在名为“空手道战斗”的会议边会上,他说:“我是比特币的忠实支持者。我的大部分财富都投资在比特币上。我全力支持比特币。”