中国香港,2024 年 6 月 7 日,Chainwire
BEVM 最近与币安钱包合作举办空投活动,随后又宣布了一项新的激励计划,即 BEVM Visionary Builders (BVB)。
BEVM Visionary Builders 简介
“远见卓识者”生态激励计划由 BEVM 发起,旨在推动 DEX、借贷、稳定币等 17 个赛道的发展,通过社区参与和多维度评估,为优秀项目和用户提供总计 6000 万美元的奖励。
目前,Visionary Builders 计划已开放申请。感兴趣的项目团队可以填写 BEVM 网站生态系统部分的表格,或直接通过此链接申请:BEVM Visionary Builders 申请表
Visionary Builders 计划的申请流程如下:
通过审核后,项目将在 BEVM 网站的“BVB”部分列出,团队可以邀请社区成员投票。
第一个月后,BEVM 根据社区 ECO 分数排名分配 ORDINALS•RUNE 资产和价值 6000 万美元的代币。
从第二个月开始,BEVM 将公布第一批 BVB 获奖者,投票分数将不断累积。
BEVM 将提供价值 6000 万美元的资产,用于奖励参与 BVB 计划的生态系统项目和投票用户。奖励的实际价值将随着 BEVM 的发展“随波逐流”。分配计划如下:
30% 用于空投给链上投票者
70% 用于激励优秀的生态系统项目及其用户
总体来说,空投奖励将按照链上投票用户持有的 ECO 积分占比进行分配,即用户投票积分越高,获得的代币奖励越多。ECO 积分可通过以下三种方式获得:
1. 创世纪盒子
Genesis Box (GBX) 是 BEVM 生态系统的早期资产,用于奖励在主网启动期间支持该项目的用户。持有者可以打开 Genesis Box,根据其链上活动随机获得 500 到 1,500 个 ECO 分数,但 Genesis Box 将在打开后被消耗。
2. 邀请用户
使用邀请码进入投票页面的用户(被邀请人)将获得 5% 的积分加成,被邀请人每投票一票,邀请人将获得 5% 的积分。
3. 投票
After earning scores, users can vote for their favorite protocols on the voting page. Each vote earns 100 scores, and there will be a corresponding leaderboard.
Each month, BEVM will regularly announce the ecosystem projects that have earned the “Visionary Builders” title and execute the corresponding incentive plan. This transparent and fair reward mechanism ensures that every participant’s efforts are rewarded accordingly.
BEVM Visionary Builders: The Engine of the Bitcoin Ecosystem
The BVB program is not only an activity to vitalize the ecosystem but also a strategic move by BEVM to promote the prosperity and development of its ecosystem. This program carries profound significance, as it not only brings new opportunities for BEVM but also provides valuable insights for the entire cryptocurrency industry.
In the cryptocurrency industry, technological innovation, market potential, and community engagement are crucial factors in determining a project’s success. By utilizing multi-dimensional evaluation and on-chain community voting, BEVM can not only discover and support projects with the greatest potential but also mobilize community participation. Through market potential assessment, BEVM can identify projects that truly have the potential to reshape the industry landscape and drive the prosperity of the entire ecosystem.
According to current estimates, BEVM is investing $60 million worth of assets into this program, which is a massive reward rarely seen in the industry. By introducing on-chain voting and multi-dimensional evaluation mechanisms, BEVM ensures that every project and user receives rewards commensurate with their contributions.
Incorporating a community voting mechanism makes BEVM’s governance more decentralized and democratic. In the cryptocurrency industry, decentralized governance is key to enhancing project transparency and credibility. Community users directly participate in project selection through voting, not only increasing their sense of involvement but also ensuring fairness and transparency.
In the BVB program, BEVM will provide comprehensive technical support to the selected projects, helping them solve technical challenges and enhance their technical capabilities. Additionally, BEVM will leverage various marketing strategies to increase the visibility and influence of the selected projects. Furthermore, BEVM will collaborate with investment institutions like Bitmain, Waterdrip Capital, Satoshi Labs, and exchanges to establish an acceleration fund focused on the BEVM ecosystem, investing in outstanding projects within the ecosystem.
About The Visionary Builders Program
The launch of the BEVM Visionary Builders program demonstrates BEVM’s determination to build a thriving ecosystem. As the program progresses, BEVM is poised to attract more outstanding projects and users to join its ecosystem, further promoting its prosperity and injecting new vitality into the expansion and application of the Bitcoin Layer 2 network.