


沃伦·巴菲特出生于 1930 年,11 岁时购买了他的第一支股票。整个 1965 年,这位老家伙一直是他的投资公司无可争议的负责人,并继续领导着这家公司。


巴菲特管理的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司在过去 50 年的回报率为 4,384,748%。最初的 1,000 美元投资现在已增至 43,000 美元。 800万。在同一时间范围内,对标准普尔 500 指数同样 1,000 美元的投资价值仅为 189,060 美元。


虽然人工智能革命在股票上有所体现,但大多数股票现在都面临着人工智能革命。其中,石油和天然气工业,包括焦油砂和致密油,占40%。投资额为3620亿美元中的2%,这是该公司公开交易的股票和证券的投资组合。最初,网上购物是亚马逊公司(AMZN -1.07%)的主要业务。尽管如此,它仍然多元化并扩展到多个领域,例如云计算、流媒体、数字广告和人工智能。与此同时,伯克希尔哈撒韦直到2019年才收购了亚马逊股票,巴菲特此时深感后悔没有早点认识到这个机会。今天,亚马逊的价格为 1 美元。

9万亿美元的市值足以跻身全球市值前五名。作为经济中个人所得税的主要贡献者,个人缴纳大量所得税并为政府收入做出贡献。它为中小型企业提供了许多解决方案,旨在帮助他们在数字时代取得成功,并且它还充当亚马逊大多数人工智能项目的体育平台。首席执行官安迪·贾西(Andy Jassy)希望主导人工智能的三个核心层:基础设施(芯片和数据中心)、技术核心(大语言模型(LLM))和面向消费者的人工智能应用。

与大多数云供应商类似,AWS 使用 Nvidia 最新一代业界领先的图形处理器 (GPU),该处理器专为处理特定于 AI 的任务而创建。它甚至设计了定制硅芯片,Dave 表示,由于其无与伦比的价格和性能,对最新 Trainium 2 的需求正在增加。

AWS is also pushing to widen the range of stable versions for modified LLMs, which it calls Bedrock, a home for more readymade LLMs. Creating an LLM is a data—and money-intensive process, though if you already have one, it can be used to launch an AI application quickly. Amazon’s eponymous family of models, named Titan, mirrors the potential for customers to employ models from high-profile startups, similar to Anthropic, in which Amazon recently invested $4 billion.

Amazon’s AI ambitions across multiple fronts

Amazon has the latest AI virtual assistant, capable of reading, analyzing, and interpreting internal business data, thus providing tools to measure and improve business results. Moreover, it can write, test, and debug software codes to speed up the release of the new software just created. It’s a weapon of choice for productivity for the consumers of AWS.

Amazon earned $574 billion in total revenue last year, more than any of its tech peers in the trillion-dollar club. On the one hand, the company has yielded profits over the past three quarters. However, throughout its history, it has been mainly in losses because of a past practice of investing substantial resources to develop further. In addition, not only does it have the payment of dividends or buyback absent, but it also no longer meets many standards that Buffett always adheres to.

This may be because the price of Amazon stock represents merely 0. 5% of Berkshire’s portfolio. Then again, maybe management doesn’t have such a large share in the AI possibilities now, but they might wish to own a larger share in the future. Buffett isn’t a salesperson since he has purchased a lot of stock from Apple (AAPL -0. 69%). Berkshire Hathaway’s first investment in Apple occurred in 2016, and Buffett’s firm has accumulated almost $38 bln in stakes in the California gadget maker since then. Apple has benefitted from a massive price spike in the stock market, and the value of Berkshire’s shares has risen at an incredible rate to $143. As for the Holding Company – the fifth largest – with a total share of 5 billion, even though we have just learned about its plan to sell 13% of the conglomerate’s shares to the public.

iPhone is Apple’s standard product, but the company entails other tech devices in its basket, such as the iPad, Mac computers, watches, and iPhone accessories like the AirPods. In addition to its hardware foothold, Apple has a portfolio of services that include Apple Music, Apple News, Apple TV, and iCloud, to mention but a few. These are, normally, the high-margin subscription-based services, making them a key focus for investors as they constantly aim to keep up with the latest trends.

苹果目前的状态并不符合这种描述,因为它已经成为一家市值超过 2 美元的公司。市值 8.7 万亿美元的谷歌不太可能停滞不前,而且几乎所有科技巨头都更加直言不讳地表达了他们的人工智能野心。尽管如此,谷歌也可能在这个快速扩张的行业中产生相当大的影响。我们有迹象表明 Pxxel 将会出现在最新的 iPhone 15 Pro 中。在发布之前,苹果公司向公众通报了智能手机上安装的新 A17 Pro 处理器,增强了其运行 Siri 或自动更正等人工智能任务的能力。

回顾历史,苹果可能会向这些公司收取数十亿美元的费用,因为他们向这些公司提供 Botfon(该公司为其小工具 2 提供的人工智能聊天机器人)。人们每天都使用这些设备,它们遍布全球,活跃用户超过 20 亿。三个字,转到上一句。苹果目前每年向 Alphabet 支付约 180 亿美元,将谷歌设置为 Safari 浏览器的默认浏览器。将 Gemini 聊天机器人每年的增长延伸到 Alphabet 并不是没有道理的,这并不奇怪。这次会议可能会让世界更多地了解苹果 6 月举行的人工智能议程。


然而,有人质疑伯克希尔为何将其持有的苹果股份从 4% 减少至 2.6%。他声称这一切都是出于税收目的(他似乎计算出公司税有一天可能会增加),但向投资者保证,到 2024 年底,苹果公司的持股可能仍将是伯克希尔哈撒韦公司最大的组成部分。

热点:公司 投资







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