Ordinals 协议于 2022 年 12 月推出,为全球最大的区块链带来了前所未有的文化运动。它通常被称为“比特币的第二阶段”。序号允许用户开始将图像、音频和代码文件等内容放入比特币区块链上。
成功推出后,开发人员 Casey Rodarmor 引入了 Runes 代币协议的概念,该协议旨在促进在比特币网络上创建可替代代币。
Runes 代币协议设置为在减半发生时激活。区块空间之战将开始,玩家将相互竞争,看看谁可以发行第一个代币和最好的代币名称,然后再进行一场战斗,看看谁可以第一个购买这些代币。
突发新闻:算力最大的比特币矿业公司现在是一家序数公司,如果他们赢得了区块,他们将在减半时隔离 Epic Sat 并将利润分配给矿池成员真正的问题:他们是否会重组以赢得胜利并预蚀刻第一个1000个符文? pic.twitter.com/7kv6OpNQVc
— trevor.btc (@TO) 2024 年 4 月 17 日
世界各地的交易所已经准备列出将与 Runes 协议一起推出的主要代币。市场和去中心化交易所——例如 Magic Eden 和 OKX——已经宣布,他们将从第一天开始支持根据 Runes 协议创建的代币。
与以太坊 (ETH) 和 Solana (SOL) 等区块链(被称为应用程序开发平台以及发行和交换其他资产的环境)不同,比特币历来被视为一种没有特殊用途的资产。
自从 Ordinals 推出以来,历史上第一次,每天都有成千上万的人使用比特币网络来获取以比特币计价的资产。在短短一年多的时间里,这些 Ordinals 资产已经转移了超过 30 亿美元,涉及近 600,000 个独特钱包和 250 万笔链上交易。
1.5 万亿美元资产管理公司富兰克林邓普顿:ORDINALS 推动比特币创新“复兴”https://t.co/M2Stt8EQa6 https://t.co/VHaGcdfC3Z
— Lugui Tillier (@lugui_tillier) 2024 年 4 月 13 日
The Ordinals protocol has culturally impacted Bitcoin in a way not seen in years, leading the market to denote this period as "the second phase of Bitcoin," characterized by a rebirth of accelerated innovation around the world's largest blockchain.
I'm sure there's a lot of work needed to mature it, but it's wild how fast the Bitcoin L2 ecosystem is growing https://t.co/fi0hnpJxiH
— Mustafa Al-Bassam (@musalbas) April 16, 2024
With the new interest in navigating and building on Bitcoin, products such as wallets, nodes, unspent transaction output (UTXO) managers and even the mempool have improved.Discussions around decentralized finance (DeFi) and Bitcoin's layer-2 solutions are more intense than eve drawing considerable attention from venture capitalists.
Related: Bitcoin is evolving into a multiasset network
The Ordinals protocol ignited a new flame in Bitcoin, and the Runes protocol represents the next phase.
Who’s going to win the $1 million satoshi?
The halving block itself will be the most contested and lucrative block in history. In addition to this retail competition for block spaces, there will also be a duel among miners. One player who mines the halving block will collect a satoshi classified as “Epic,” with an estimated value of more than $1 million.
BREAKING: The Largest Bitcoin Mining Company by Hashrate is now an Ordinals CompanyThey will be isolating the Epic Sat at the halving if they win the block and distributing profits to pool membersThe real question: Will they re-org to win & Pre-Etch the first 1,000 Runes? pic.twitter.com/7kv6OpNQVc
— trevor.btc (@TO) April 17, 2024
Additionally, in anticipation of Bitcoin network congestion, some projects are creating solutions to scale trading on the Runes protocol. In the past, a bridge that enabled the exchange of Bitcoin assets on Solana was successful. Now, platforms more aligned with Bitcoin are emerging — such as RuneChain, a Bitcoin layer-2 focused on Runes.
Users are also becoming more educated about Bitcoin as the market prepares for the arrival of the first tokens created with the Runes protocol. Likewise, thousands of people have started running Bitcoin nodes and are educating themselves about UTXOs to gain an advantage during these token launches.
NFT communities like the Pizza Ninjas are have made significant efforts to educate their holders on these topics. The Ninjas created a complete survival guide for Runes — and offer 24/7 help desks in English and Chinese — for their holders.
Discord channel Ninjalerts displays study chapters for Runes, created for holders of the Pizza Ninja NFTs. Source: Discord
此外,市场一直在经历“前符文季节”。一些符文标准代币已经通过空投方式预先分发给比特币 NFT 持有者。每个集合都采用自己的分配模型:有些对 NFT 持有者进行快照,并在减半后分配代币,而另一些则根据用户持有 NFT 的时间来分配代币。 (持有 NFT 的时间越长,用户收到的代币就越多。
Runestone 是 NFT 集合的一个示例,它将进行一次性快照。 RSIC 是根据 NFT 持有时间长度分配代币的集合示例。
用户必须利用这一趋势的第二个选择是购买 BRC-20 代币(例如 WZRD 和 PUPS),这些代币将从 BRC-20 标准迁移到 Runes 标准。
Rune 生态系统中的主要代币、铸币本、市场和钱包。来源:X 来自@DoggFatherCrew
Lugui Tillier 是 Cointelegraph 的客座作者,也是 Lumx 的业务开发总监。Lumx 是一家位于里约热内卢的 Web3 工作室,拉丁美洲最大的投资银行 BTG Pactual Bank 是其投资者之一。