4 月 14 日星期日,伊朗和以色列之间不断升级的冲突导致加密货币价格大幅下跌。
上周,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 向 Uniswap 发出了 Wells 通知,宣布打算在监管审查加强的情况下起诉该交易所。与此同时,FTX 创始人 Sam Bankman-Fried 正在寻求对裁决提出上诉。
加密货币市场本周开局良好,4 月 8 日全球加密货币市值飙升 3.6%,达到三个月高位 2.62 万亿美元,比特币 (BTC) 在上涨 3% 后重新站上 72,000 美元的价格门槛。
4 月 8 日,比特币在此前回调中遭受损失后,上涨 4%,接近历史高点。然而,第二天,随着美国通胀数据出炉,结果比预期更加乐观,顶级加密资产价格下跌,4 月 9 日下跌 3.45% 至 68,000 美元。
这种下跌趋势是短暂的,比特币最终反弹,在 4 月 10 日上涨 2.15%,重返 70,000 美元区域。尽管可以观察到大型贸易商(鲸鱼)的活动有所减少,但这种复苏仍在继续。
据 4 月 9 日报道,随着减半事件的临近,BitMEX 创始人 Author Hayes 对比特币能否回归并稳定在近期历史高位持怀疑态度。海耶斯预计,减半前后比特币价格可能会在短期内下跌。
随着本周的进展,空头重新获得控制权,比特币在 4 月 12 日一周多以来首次跌至 65,000 美元区域。随着比特币下跌,随之而来的是更广泛的市场崩盘,导致全球加密货币估值在 4 月 12 日跌至 2.2 万亿美元。
即将到来的伊朗-以色列冲突的紧张局势加剧了市场下跌。这导致市场出现大规模清算,超过 8600 万美元的资金流出衍生品市场。
伊朗最终于 4 月 13 日向以色列发射了 100 多架无人机,进一步加剧了紧张局势。在这次史无前例的攻击之后,加密货币市场出现大幅下跌,比特币于 4 月 13 日跌至一个月低点 60,660 美元。
尽管发生了清算,著名计算机智能顾问和比特币倡导者爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)强调,没有理由恐慌。
Uniswap 收到 Wells 通知
在加密货币社区忙于应对价格波动的同时,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)正在考虑对基于以太坊的去中心化交易所 Uniswap 采取法律行动的可能性。作为全球最大的去中心化交易所,Uniswap面临的监管挑战和法律风险引起了市场的广泛关注。
Notably, Uniswap revealed on April 10 that it had received a Wells Notice from the SEC, with the securities regulator announcing its intention to take legal action against the decentralized exchange.
Uniswap founder Hayden Adams expressed disappointment at the move, stressing that he and his team planned to fight. Following reports of the developments, the exchange’s native token, UNI, fell 17% to $9.27 as selling intensified.
US Regulatory Environment
The broader U.S. cryptocurrency regulatory environment came into focus this week amid reports that the Treasury Department is seeking greater authority to crack down on cryptocurrency use by sanctioned entities such as North Korea, Russia and Iran.
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand revealed this week that Congress has been discussing introducing a bipartisan bill to regulate stablecoins, shortly after Ripple revealed its intention to launch a stablecoin this year.
As federal agencies and Congress in the United States are actively pushing for regulation of the cryptocurrency industry, Steven Nerayoff, a former Ethereum consultant, has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government, seeking up to $9.6 billion in damages for what he believes was unfair and harsh treatment by government agencies over the past four years.
Global regulatory efforts
Regulatory efforts in other jurisdictions besides the U.S. are also taking hold. This week, Russia’s central bank called on the country’s lawmakers to speed up the introduction of a bill that would regulate the use of cryptocurrencies, particularly for international settlements amid U.S. sanctions.
Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, reports this week suggest that cryptocurrency exchanges are struggling with regulatory uncertainty. This prevailing environment is now prompting several companies to explore moving overseas.
In British Columbia, the government is looking for ways to address the high energy consumption associated with cryptocurrency mining operations. To this end, the region is seeking to regulate the cryptocurrency mining industry through legislative amendments.
Bankman-Fried appeals verdict, Do Kwon's extradition approved
Bankman-Fried's attorneys argued in an April 8 letter to Judge Lewis Kaplan that it would be more convenient to keep Bankman-Fried in a temporary detention facility in Brooklyn, where he has been since last August, until his appeal is completed.
Bankman-Fried was sentenced to 25 years in prison. On April 10, former FTX executive Ryan Salame pleaded guilty and will be sentenced on May 28. Other former FTX executives, including Gary Wang and Caroline Ellison, are also awaiting sentencing.
In a rollercoaster ride, Terra founder Do Kwon’s extradition has once again been approved by a Montenegrin court, with Montenegrin Justice Minister Andrej Milovic set to decide whether the South Korean developer will be extradited to his home country or the United States to face charges.
Solana Suffers from Congestion
Solana has had a mixed moment this week, with increased network adoption and congestion issues coexisting. CoinGecko revealed on April 8 that DEXs on Solana account for the majority of trading volume in the DeFi scene.
This is mainly due to the growing deployment and interest in Meme coins on Solana following the success of Bonk (BONK) and Dogwifhat (WIF). However, with the increase in activity on the network, Solana encountered network congestion issues. To address this, Solana’s development team Anza conducted a system update. #伊朗 #以色列