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币安推出全新保证金交易活动, 普通会员和VIP 1-3级
参与者将瓜分 81,000 USDT奖励,获得Apple Vision Pro(512GB) ,并 获得 币安VIP线下活动独家邀请 。
优惠日期 : 2024-03-14 06:00 (UTC) 至 2024-04-18 23:59 (UTC)
确保您在活动期间的保证金交易总额较 2024年2月5日00:00(UTC)至2024年3月13日23:59(UTC) (以下简称“比较期” )有所增加 ”),满足下表要求。
活动A:杠杆交易量大涨,瓜分78,000 USDT交易手续费返利券,获得币安VIP线下活动专属邀请
活动期间,凡符合参与条件的合格用户(“合格用户”)将有资格获得 最高5,000 USDT的交易手续费返利券 ,先到 先得 。 详情请参阅下表。
活动期间杠杆交易总额较对比期间增幅(USDT等值) | 每个合格用户的奖励 | |
0.75M | 前100名符合条件的用户可获得 300 USDT交易手续费返利券 | 币安VIP线下活动独家邀请 |
2.5M | 前20名符合资格的用户可获得 900 USDT交易手续费返利券 | |
5M | 前10名符合条件的用户可获得 1,500 USDT交易手续费返利券 | |
20M | 前3名符合资格的用户可获得 5,000 USDT交易手续费返利券 |
USDT交易手续费返利券奖励数量 有限 ,先到 先得 。 每个用户只能领取 一张 交易手续费返利券奖励。
活动期内保证金交易总额较比较期增量所对应的等级奖励的交易手续费返利券已全部发放给符合资格的用户,则可享受较低等级的 奖励
All users who fulfill the minimum requirements above will receive exclusive invitations to Binance VIP offline events from the Binance VIP Client Managers within 30 days after the promotion ends. Please note that Binance will not cover any traveling or accommodation costs incurred, where applicable.
Net increase in total margin trading volume during the Promotion Period from that of the Comparison Period = Total margin trading volume during the Promotion Period minus the total margin trading volume during the Comparison Period.
Trading volumes on any zero-fee pairs will not count toward the calculation of margin trading volumes in this promotion. Please refer to the Promotional Rate page to view all margin trading pairs under zero-fee promotions.
Promotion B: Share Your Best Margin Trade on X for a Chance in Earning a 100 USDT Token Voucher & Receive an Apple Vision Pro (512GB)
To participate in Promotion B, eligible users who fulfill the aforementioned participation requirements need to complete all of the following tasks during the Promotion Period (“Eligible Users”):
Share a screenshot of their best Binance Margin trade (i.e., the margin trade with the highest Profit and Loss (PnL)) and the promotion page on X.
Submit the link to their X post via this form. Please note that only verifiable links from X will count toward this promotion.
The first 30 Eligible Users who reach a minimum of 30 engagements (i.e., sum of likes, shares and retweets) on their respective X posts during the Promotion Period, will receive a 100 USDT token voucher each.
On top of that, all Eligible Users will be ranked by the PnL of the margin trade they share on their X post during the Promotion Period, and the top 1 participant will receive an Apple Vision Pro (512GB). Please note that the Apple Vision Pro (512GB) reward will be distributed in the form of a USDT token voucher.
Learn More About Margin Trading:
What Is Margin Trading
How to Open Binance Margin Account
Terms and Conditions:
This promotion is only available to Eligible Users who are verified regular and VIP 1-3 users enabled for Binance Margin trading. The promotion may not be available or may be restricted in certain jurisdictions or regions, or to certain users, depending on legal and regulatory requirements.
All Eligible Users are responsible for informing themselves about and observing any restrictions and/or requirements imposed with respect to the access to and use of Binance Margin trading services in each country from which the services are accessed.
Binance reserves the right to change, modify or impose additional restrictions with respect to the access to and use of Binance Margin trading services from time to time in its sole discretion at any time without notification.
Only Eligible Users who click on the [Register Now] button on the promotion page will be able to successfully participate in Promotion A and/or Promotion B.
Trading volumes on any zero-fee pairs will not count toward the calculations of margin trading volumes in this promotion.
Rewards Distribution
All users who fulfill the minimum requirements in the table above will receive exclusive invitations to Binance VIP offline events from the Binance VIP Client Managers within 30 days after the promotion ends. Please note that Binance will not cover any traveling or accommodation costs incurred, where applicable.
Binance will use $3,699 as the retail price of the Apple Vision Pro (512GB), as listed on the Apple US website on 2024-03-14, and reward the eligible winner of the Apple Vision Pro with an equivalent amount in USDT token vouchers.
Voucher rewards will be distributed within 14 working days after the end of the Promotion Period. Users may claim their voucher rewards via Profile Rewards Hub.
Vouchers are valid for 30 days after distribution. Users should claim their rewards before the expiration date. Learn how to claim a voucher.
Please refer to Margin Data for a list of the most updated marginable assets and further information on specific limits, collateral ratio and rates.
Visit Binance VIP & Institutional services for more details.
Binance reserves the right to disqualify trades that are deemed to be wash trades or illegally bulk account registrations, as well as trades that display attributes of self-dealing or market manipulation.
All trading volume and metrics related to the promotion are measured by Binance at its sole and absolute discretion.
Binance reserves the right to amend or terminate this promotion at its sole discretion due to important reasons, including but not limited to:
Changes in applicable regulations or policies;
Obligations arising out of law or decisions issued by common courts or public administration;
Anti-money laundering or combating financing terrorism rules;
Technical issues beyond our control;
Necessity to protect users from potential losses; and
Necessity to protect Binance from the loss of reputation.
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