在过去的 600 年里,人们已经习惯了让值得信赖的第三方保管他们的资产。
私钥就像 ETC 中财富所有者所持有的密码,只有使用这些密码才能转移或交换资产。
通过将基于工作量证明的点对点区块链网络(如 ETC)整合到一个系统中,并让用户通过私钥控制自己的资产,受信任的第三方的影响力已显着降低,并且成为签署有效交易的唯一方法是通过使用仅由最终用户持有的密钥。
ETC 交易机制
交易签名和发送到 ETC 网络的方式涉及最终用户端的应用程序,他们在其中指定交易详细信息;
ETC 查询的机制
ETC 中的查询以类似的方式工作,但不需要私钥。
When they open their apps to check their information on the ETC blockchain, the app consults with remote ETC nodes to retrieve the relevant data from the blockchain associated with their addresses.
The great majority of users in ETC send transactions and do their queries using third party nodes.
In a way, a blockchain is a kind of trusted third party, but the fact the the network is decentralized, and the data is replicated in all nodes globally, minimizes the influence of these trusted third parties to a sufficient degree that the security to users’ is very high.
However, even if one uses their own private keys and addresses, if the sending of transactions and querying of the blockchain is done through remote trusted third party nodes, then a significant part of the security to users is diminished.
This is because the dependency on third party nodes means that the nodes may not be accessible in certain circumstances, or that the nodes may be corrupted, so they could be processing transactions and queries fraudulently providing the wrong information to users or directing transactions and queries to alternative fraudulent chains.
For these reasons, for users such as people and businesses who value their holdings in ETC or with significant assets, the most secure setup is to actually run their own ETC nodes so they can be part of the blockchain directly.
This configuration ensures that transactions will always be sent to the right blockchain and that the queries will always be truthful.
In a way, seen from the traditional paradigm of banking, the combination of holding the private keys to the addresses and running their own nodes makes users full custodians of their own wealth and assets because they not only have exclusive ability to sign transactions but they also have personal and physical control of the information of the network.
To start running your own nodes and to connect your wallets to them so you can have your direct and complete access and custody of your ETC wealth, there are three options currently in the market:
The ETC Core Geth node: This is the core software client that is used by the great majority of node operators in ETC. It is the standard ETC community node that may be run on normal computers.
The ETCMC hardware node: This is a hardware ETC node that is part of a greater community with token compensation and various sources of revenues for participating in the system.
The DappNode hardware node: DappNode is a plain vanilla hardware node and may be used to run ETC mainnet nodes as well as the ETC Mordor testnet, and even clients of other blockchains.
Thank you for reading this article!
To learn more about ETC please go to: https://ethereumclassic.org