
Why the Bull Market Doesn't Feel Like a Bull Marke


Why doesn’t this bull market have a bull market atmosphere? Except that the pie is rising, but you’re not happy? Because the environment is different...

The origin of the bull market in the second half of 2017 was October 31, 2017. At that time, the exchange reopened, and Ouyi only had five coins: btc, eth, etc, bch, and ltc...

Everyone makes money by pulling a big pie, and there is no one who doesn’t make money by buying spot goods. After that, altcoins were launched one after another, and there was no shortage of them.

At that time, the project parties in the group sent out red envelopes in the WeChat group every day, and each time they sent out red envelopes, they sent out 2,000 yuan. Can you now find a WeChat group that sends out 2,000 yuan every day?

Only when everyone makes money can there be a bull market atmosphere.

The bull market in 2020 is similar. The origin of the bull market that year began on December 16, 2020. The pie took the lead in breaking through a new high of 20,000, and altcoins exploded in full force a month later. More than 95% of Binance altcoins increased by as much as 10 to 15 times from January to April 2021, which means that 95% of leeks made money.

This round is different. On the surface, it seems that January 1, 2023 is the starting point of the big bull market, but this is not the case for altcoins.

There are too many altcoins in this round, and funds cannot support them. Leading up to the bull market that broke out in January last year, the average increase in Binance altcoins was only about 150 points...

Then in the bull market rebound after October 19 last year, the average increase of altcoins only doubled...

The current starting point of the altcoin bull market is February 5th. Excluding the leading coins, the average maximum increase is only about 120 points...

With this increase, how do you want to make 95% of leeks rich? #BTC #ETH








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