下一次比特币减半将于四月发生。 根据历史趋势,比特币(BTC)在减半事件前后通常会经历显着的价格波动。 然而,尽管存在潜在的波动性,但也存在投资机会,进行技术分析可以帮助交易者围绕比特币减半事件做出投资决策。
本文展示了交易者在过去的比特币减半事件中采用的一些战略投资机会。 然而,请记住,所有投资都带有一定程度的风险,因此在尝试这些比特币投资策略之前,请进行广泛的投资者教育。
该策略依赖于“买谣言,卖新闻”的原则。 投资者关注市场新闻和情绪,了解市场动态,进行市场分析,并在发现交易信号时采取行动。 然而,这是利用比特币减半最具挑战性的方式之一,因为投资者的时机必须准确,而这种情况很少见。
从历史上看,比特币减半事件对比特币的价格产生了积极影响,引发了资本化趋势。 减半事件往往会引发乐观的市场情绪,导致减半前后的牛市行情。 预计比特币供应稀缺会增加其需求,推动其价值上涨。 然而,历史性的减半后价格上涨并不能保证2024年减半后也会发生同样的情况。 始终进行自己的研究,以更好地了解价格趋势。
为了发展他们的交易技巧,交易者需要评估他们的风险承受能力并制定他们的投资目标。 这将取决于交易者是使用比特币作为价值储存手段,还是利用频繁的价格波动来做出有利可图的决策。 一旦投资者了解了自己的风险偏好和投资期限,他们就可以制定短期或长期策略:
采用这种策略的交易者通常会利用定期的价格变动来实现短期收益。 它需要详细的技术分析和采用合理的交易策略才能实现。 他们还监控价格变动、识别趋势并设定进入和退出点。
这也称为买入并持有 (hodl) 策略。 虽然不能保证 2024 年减半事件后价格会上涨,但过去的事件表明,比特币的价格会在几个月或几年后上涨,每次都创下历史新高。
Employing the dollar-cost averaging DCA strategy means investing a set amount of money at fixed, regular intervals, regardless of Bitcoin’s current price at those intervals. The strategy aims to reduce the impact of market volatility by spreading the investment over time.
DCA has proved a solid strategy for other investors during times of high price volatility, so it could work when high volatility occurs during Bitcoin’s halving (which historically has led to substantial price movements). It takes away the pressure of trying to time the market perfectly.
Additionally, the DCA strategy helps soften the blow of short-term price fluctuations by accumulating Bitcoin over time. This ensures investors reap potential long-term price gains by averaging out their cost basis.
Diversifying portfolio
One of the key investing strategies is diversifying portfolios, aligning with the investment saying, “Don’t put your eggs in one basket.” This enables investors to spread their risk by investing in different assets, minimizing the impact of an underperforming investment.
While BTC may be the main investment asset, a trader could exploit other cryptocurrency opportunities in a well-balanced portfolio. If the price of Bitcoin goes up, for instance, a Bitcoin holder could sell some of their BTC and invest in other cryptocurrencies or traditional asset investment avenues to beef up their investment portfolio.
As always, investors should conduct a fundamental analysis of all potential investment assets before committing to any decision.
Bitcoin derivatives trading
A derivative is a contract between a trader and another party, with Bitcoin as the underlying asset setting the value of the derivative. Focusing on Bitcoin derivatives trading in the context of halving events involves leveraging the increased volatility and market speculation that often accompany these periods.
Traders rely on derivatives to set the terms of the speculation and engage in derivatives trading when they wager about the future price movement of Bitcoin, hoping to gain if they bet correctly. They may also engage in derivatives trading as a hedge against long positions; that is, they expect the value of Bitcoin to increase. Derivatives trading could help cover some losses if Bitcoin’s price does not rise within the given time.
Here’s how trailers utilize derivatives during Bitcoin halving events:
Under the terms of an options contract, the trader has the right to buy the Bitcoin at a specified amount (strike price) within or at the end of a set period. The contract does not place an obligation to buy the underlying asset.
Traders could use options to buy or sell Bitcoin when the price is most favorable in light of the high volatility usually experienced during halving events. For instance, a trader may buy call options before a Bitcoin halving event if they believe that the halving will cause an increase in the price of Bitcoin since the supply of BTC will be reduced. In contrast, a trader may purchase put options if they anticipate a price decline due to possible short-term sell-offs or market adjustments.
Holding futures contracts enables the trader to buy or sell Bitcoin at an agreed price on a set date. Unlike options contracts, they are obligated to buy or sell the contract at a future date. Traders may engage in futures contracts to speculate on or hedge against the post-halving price movements.
For instance, to lock a price for purchasing or selling BTC at a later time, perhaps around the halving event, traders may choose to enter into futures contracts. A trader may enter a long futures contract if they believe the price will rise after the halving. On the other hand, a short futures contract can be advantageous if they anticipate a price decline.
Perpetual contracts
Also known as perpetual swaps/futures contracts, these are the cryptocurrency equivalent of the traditional financing contract for differences. The main difference is that perpetual contracts have no expiry dates, unlike futures and options contracts. A trader can hold the position for as long as they can pay the funding rate or holding fees.
Usually, there is a difference between the index price and the perpetual contract price because the price of Bitcoin changes frequently during halvings. If the price of the perpetual contract is higher than the index, those holding a long position generally cover the price difference by paying the funding rate. Similarly, if the price of the perpetual contract is lower than the index’s, traders who “go short” typically pay the funding rate to cover the difference.
Perpetual contracts appeal during halving events since they don’t expire and let traders hold long or short positions eternally. If traders believe that the halving will result in a sustained price increase, they may go long; if they think there will be a decrease or more volatility, they may go short.
Risk management strategies to navigate Bitcoin volatility
The golden rule of investing states that traders should only invest what they can afford to lose. This is especially true considering Bitcoin’s volatility. Regardless of the historical price rise post-halving, there’s no telling which way the Bitcoin price will swing, so an optimal halving strategy should include setting up a stop order. The order will sell the asset when prices drop lower than the investor expected, stopping excessive losses.
止损订单的另一端是止盈订单。 比特币价格波动意味着当交易者不积极交易时它可能会飙升,然后一旦开始交易就会下跌。 为了利用潜在利润,交易者可以设置止盈订单,一旦价格达到预定的理想水平,该订单就会自动触发资产出售。
上述方法的最终目标是在波动的市场中确保利润,同时保护资产免受灾难性损失。 然而,无论发生什么情况,投资者都应该评估自己的风险承受能力,并使投资与其财务目标保持一致。
本文不包含投资建议或建议。 每一项投资和交易行为都涉及风险,读者在做出决定时应自行研究。