Polkadot 齐心协力提高其网络的去中心化程度和社区力量,这一举措似乎正在取得回报,因为它在更广泛的行业牛市中迅速获得了关注。
在过去几年里,Polkadot 一直在努力跟上许多竞争对手的步伐,现在它做出了战略重心,充分相信社区有能力重振该项目。
在推动更大的去中心化之后,Polkadot 的网络活动急剧增加,社区释放了更多的财政资金来支持生态系统的发展。
Polkadot 推动民主治理
2023 年底是 Polkadot 区块链的关键时刻,因为它经历了彻底的组织变革,强化了其对去中心化的承诺,社区对这一变化反应热烈。
值得注意的是,该项目摆脱了集中领导,将所有非工程重点决策交给了一个名为 Polk assembly 的去中心化自治组织,每天的用户都有发言权。
此前,Polkadot 生态系统中的许多决策都是由开发 Polkadot 区块链基础设施的盈利公司 Parity Technologies 做出的。
通过转向社区主导的模式,Parity 取代了 DOT 代币持有者,他们现在影响着所有重大决策,包括财政资金的分配。
Parity 现在将只专注于区块链开发。
当社区投票决定解雇 Parity 的大量员工时,Polk assembly 采取的第一个举措确实令人震惊。
此次裁员影响了 Parity 的营销和业务开发运营,导致 30% 的员工失业。
Polkadot 没有向专业人士支付报酬,而是投票决定将营销工作留给更广泛的社区。
此举为 Polkadot 财务库释放了更多资金,该财务库目前持有超过 4200 万个 DOT(价值约 2.84 亿美元)。
允许 PolkAssembly 控制这些资金的决定源于社区内的长期讨论,许多成员认为财政部未能找到使用这笔资金的有效方式。
2023 年 9 月以来发生的事件似乎证明了他们的观点是正确的。
自从 Polk assembly 以及社区获得了对金库的直接控制权以来,该项目大大增加了向基于 Polkadot 的项目提供的资金数额。
Within Polkassembly, any DOT token holder can post a proposal or an application for funding on a dedicated forum, and then the wider community is allowed to vote on whether or not to approve it. It seems that the Polkadot community is much more generous than Parity ever was, as it has bestowed more than 1.13 million DOT, or $8 million, on various projects that have applied for funding. With dozens of other applications in the pipeline, this largesse is likely to increase.
Data from Messari shows that Polkadot is being rewarded for its generosity, for the network witnessed a significant jump in activity in the December quarter. Both the Polkadot chain and its Parachains saw the number of active wallets increase, by 95% and 93% respectively, while cross-chain messages sent via Polkadot’s XCM protocol were up more than 150%.
A number of Polkadot-based projects have been making waves in recent weeks too. One of the most notable announcements came from Kusama, which is Polkadot’s canary network, built atop of the Substrate framework that also powers Polkadot’s Relay chain. With its latest consensus upgrade, known as Beefy, Kusama has enabled two new blockchain bridges dedicated to boosting cross-chain interoperability. The most important of these is Hyperbridge, which allows Kusama to talk to multiple L2s on Ethereum, such as Arbitrum and Polygon, while the Snowbridge serves to connect Kusama directly with Ethereum and other EVM chains.
Meanwhile, the Web3 Foundation which nurtures Polkadot and supports its ecosystem growth, has donated a reported $20 million in funding towards the Encryption to the Future Network, or ETF Network, which is focused on publicly verifiable randomness and timelock encryption to enable more secure and delayed messages between parachains.
The blockchain prediction market maker Zeitgeist has also made some big strides in recent weeks, adding support for USDC transactions between it and the HydraDX and Moonbeam parachains, boosting interoperability across the network. That announcement came just days after Zeitgeist launched its pioneering DLMSR, or Dynamic Logarithmic Market Scoring Rule, which is said to support the creation of more flexible prediction markets with enhanced liquidity. With DLMSR, Zeitgeist believes its network will benefit from substantial improvements to operational efficiency, allowing larger trades with lower slippage.
Notable figures within the Polkadot community have reacted positively to Polkadot’s push towards decentralization. Polkadot advocate Giotto De Filippi, a self-professed DOT whale, told Forbes contributor Victoria Chynoweth that the decision to grant more power to the Polkassembly has led to more rapid progress. By becoming more autonomous and empowering its community, Polkadot has attracted broader participation from various influential voices in the crypto industry, he said.
“We went from basically zero marketing a few months ago to having just hired some of the best influencers — all in a completely transparent and decentralized way — thanks to OpenGov,” De Filippi said.
William Chen, chief operating officer of Talisman Wallet, one of the major wallet providers in Polkadot’s ecosystem, told Chynoweth that he was initially taken aback by Parity’s decentralization initiative. However, he has since realized the importance of the decision, enabling community stakeholders to influence the project’s growth. “Global blockchain adoption is in its infancy, and as an industry, we will face untold challenges as we grow — decentralization is the understated force that gives true long-term resilience to the network,” he explained.
Besides powering more rapid growth and promoting greater resilience in the network, the shift to decentralization has also helped to foster more inclusiveness and diversity, said Kilt identity protocol founder Ingo Ruebe. According to Chynoweth, he believes the decision by Polkadot’s community to independently fund marketing and business development is a move that brings major benefits not only to the network itself, but the wider Web3 industry. He pointed out that by empowering individual agents with the ability to propose suggestions and seek funding from the community, Polkadot is encouraging the community to debate and decide on the most appropriate course of action. He believes that it will ultimately serve as a model for other blockchain projects that are less decentralized.
Polkadot has undoubtedly set a precedent for the wider crypto industry. While many may have perceived Polkadot’s gambit as an experimental and risky move, it’s one that fits perfectly with one of the essential elements of the crypto world. Decentralization has been one of the most attractive aspects of crypto since the foundation of Bitcoin itself and is all about giving communities the responsibility to decide for themselves.
Because it’s a given that the vast majority of community members have the project’s best interests at heart, it makes sense that they will carefully consider each decision and take the best course of action after considering multiple viewpoints. Polkadot has shown that to be true, and in the process, it is fostering a more dynamic and inclusive community that welcomes the opinions of all.
It’s too early to say if Polkadot’s extreme form of decentralized governance will ultimately prove successful or not, but the early signs are positive. By emphasizing the importance of community engagement in driving growth and innovation, Polkadot is emerging as a beacon for the benefits of decentralization. So don’t be surprised if more blockchain projects decide to follow its forward-thinking approach and pivot towards a more democratic decision-making model.