您可能已经注意到,公司或开发商有时会向死地址发送大量硬币或代币。 乍一看,这似乎总是要投入大量资金,但事实并非如此。
将大量加密货币转移到死地址或无法访问的地址的过程称为“燃烧”。 这确保了这些数量的代币或代币已从流通中移除并变得不可用,这反过来又会影响特定代币的市场价格。 这些被烧毁的代币不再有资格进行任何类型的交易。
柴犬是销毁率最高的代币之一。 Shibburn 是一个专门用于跟踪 SHIB 销毁行动的平台,报告称截至 2 月 22 日的 24 小时内销毁率激增 4,205%。 这一峰值与 Shiba Inu 最新的不可替代代币 (NFT) 系列 SHEboshi 相吻合,该系列遵循新的 ERC-404 代币标准。 由于这种引入,燃烧显着增加。
从声音上看,焚烧的过程可能看起来像是扔钱,但事实并非如此。 燃烧非常容易获得的硬币可以帮助该特定硬币的价格飙升,但这只是它的基础。 它并不总是像听起来那么简单,从技术上讲,没有什么是简单的。 燃烧代币可以抑制加密货币的通货膨胀,并且通过燃烧证明加密货币,参与者可以向区块链添加新的交易块。
烧币并不总是能保证价格飙升。 如果开发者声称要销毁代币并将其发送到他们可以控制的钱包,那么它也可以被用作欺骗。 您或任何其他人避免陷入这些陷阱或陷阱的唯一方法是进行适当和彻底的研究。 开发人员还可以烧钱作为隐藏持有大量数字货币的鲸鱼的方法。
有一点是,人们或开发人员并不总是参与代币销毁。 卡尔达诺创始人 Charles Hoskinson 此前曾表示,销毁 ADA 意味着其他人会遭受损失。
销毁代币也不是卡尔达诺生态系统代币经济学的一个特征。 据报道,它也不支持该项目的区块链方法,其中包括稳定性。
Proof of Burn (PoB) is how blockchain networks confirm and add transactions securely. It’s like a digital security guard ensuring only legit transactions get processed.
In PoB, miners must “burn” or destroy some of their own tokens to earn the right to validate new blocks of transactions. The more tokens they burn, the more they can validate. As a reward, miners receive new tokens of the currency they’re validating.
Unlike other methods like proof of work, PoB doesn’t need massive energy consumption. Maintaining the blockchain in an eco-friendly way.
History of Coin burning, How Did it start?
The concept of coin burning began before cryptocurrency, inspired by stock buybacks. Basically, stock buybacks are companies buying back their own shares from the market to reduce their share count. While not identical, coin burning serves a similar purpose.
Coin burning gained popularity in 2017-2018 among cryptocurrencies like Binance Coin, Bitcoin Cash, and Stellar. By burning tokens, these coins increased prices and decreased supply. It’s now common among newer crypto with large token supplies.
Burning allows currencies to start with low prices, attracting investors. Later, developers burn tokens to raise prices artificially.
How does this affect the crypto prices?
Coin burning is when a crypto intentionally reduces the number of its coins in circulation. This can affect prices in a few ways. When there are fewer coins available, they become more valuable because they’re harder to get. Think of it like having fewer chocolates to share, each chocolate becomes more precious.
People see fewer coins as a good thing, so they might want to buy more. Prices can go up because of this. Sometimes, just the idea of coin burning can make people excited. They might buy more coins, hoping to sell them later at a higher price.
Whether prices stay up depends on how well the cryptocurrency is doing overall. Do people use it? Is it popular? Over time, these things matter. Watching coins being burned can make investors feel good. Cryptocurrencies are taking their time to maintain their value, and that shows.
Like for example, Uniswap, which is the biggest decentralized exchange, has burned a huge amount of Ethereum lately, about 9,001 ETH in the past month, per reports. Thus positioning itself as a major player not just in terms of volume, but also in terms of scarcity within the Ethereum ecosystem.
But remember, coin burning isn’t the only thing that affects prices. Lots of stuff, like how much people are trading or how they feel about the market, also play a big role. So, while coin burning can be important, it’s not the only thing to think about when investing in crypto.
Burning crypto involves sending tokens to a wallet that nobody can access. As with burning physical money, this takes these tokens out of circulation.
这样做通常是为了减少供应、增加需求,并通过销毁加密货币来影响加密货币的价格。 这取决于许多因素,包括投资者和用户情绪、供需变化等。
在加密社区中,有些人认为燃烧代币会让它们更值钱,而另一些人则不同意。 因此,建议在决定这样做是好是坏之前,先考虑一下人们为什么这样做以及可能会产生什么影响。
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