我们正处于历史上最大的牛市周期! 为了赚到你的第一个 1,000,000 美元,你所需要的就是: 1,000 美元的储蓄 2024 - 2026 年牛市 我的策略是如何在替代品上涨 1000 倍之前找到它们
1. 市场周期的心理是如何运作的: 请记住,每个周期本质上都是相同的。 情绪持续影响市场价格。 下面这张图准确地反映了每个时期人们的心理状态。
此外,许多加密货币都会有很长的冷静期。 在这些时期,我们看到交易量减少、公众兴趣减弱和价格下跌。 正是在这些时期,许多投资者可能会失去热情或对投资感到沮丧。
这就是专业人士采取行动的地方。 “买恐惧,卖贪婪。” 当每个人都沉浸在欣喜之中时,通常预示着末日即将来临。 另一方面,当大家都充满恐惧或情绪低落的时候,其实就是我们买入的最佳时机!
2. 请记住,加密市场效率不高: 这意味着价值和关键绩效指标 (KPI) 之间可能存在显着差异: - 协议收入 ≠ MC - 每日活跃用户 ≠ MC - 筹集的资金 ≠ MC
3. 如何在价格上涨之前找到替代品: 要识别有前途的代币,请考虑以下三个因素: - 寻找具有良好基本面的代币 - 识别显着的价格差异 - 找到已触底或保持平稳的图表,并伴有负面情绪
请记住,最低价格总是在萧条阶段。 这些绝望的时刻可以为那些愿意承担计算风险的精明人士提供独特的机会。 在某些情况下,在这种时候购买实际上可能是有利的。
4. 如何进行适当的研究: 首先,您可以使用诸如
or coingeckoTake a range of coins from 100-1000 and divide them by market cap.Pay attention to the coins in the depression stage and consider adding them to your watchlist. The world of crypto has a diverse range of sectors, each with its own unique tokens and opportunities.You can choose to focus on a specific sector that interests you or where you have more knowledge. Some popular sectors include AI, L1 & L2, GameFi, SocialFi, P2E, DeFi. Use platforms like Crunchbase or Crypto Dealflow to look for fundraising info.This is a crucial factor to consider before investing in a token. It's important to know if reputable funds are backing a project.Then, consider visiting platforms like Token Unlocks or VestLab to explore the tokenomics and vesting period of a token.Look at:· The number of tokens held by investors· The allocation of tokens to the community· The allocation of tokens for marketing purposes
In the end, make sure to stay informed about any upcoming major news related to your project.Platforms like CoinMarketCal or DropsEarn can be helpful.
But wait, we forgot one more crucial thing!Before investing in any coins, it is vital to consider one key detail:Is the project actively developing, and is the team actively building?You can find this info on their official X account or on their LinkedIn profile.In the end,It may not come easy at first, but with time, you'll improve.The successful outcomes I achieve by employing this strategy more than compensate for the times when I'm wrong.I believe in you too, bro
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