距离 2024 年还有一个多月了,加密货币市场已经将目光投向了更高的收益。该行业市值超过1.3万亿美元,发展迅速,吸引了众多机构买家。
2024 年 1 月,美国监管机构在对 BTC ETF 的法律问题进行深思熟虑后,批准推出 11 只基金。正如预期的那样,ETF 席卷了市场,并创下了创纪录的投资者流入量。
分析师认为导致加密货币市场激增的另一个原因是人们对人工智能主导的顶级加密货币的兴趣日益浓厚。到 2030 年,人工智能区块链市场预计将增长至 9.8 亿美元以上,并可为创新者带来多种机会。人工智能和区块链的融合有助于加密货币提供更高的透明度和交易速度。
如果你看看当前的市场趋势,以人工智能为中心的山寨币,如 InQubeta (QUBE) 、Render Network (RNDR)、Injective (INJ)、SingularityNet (AGIX) 和 Fetch.ai (FET) 都是表现最好的。
1. InQubeta:帮助人工智能初创公司融资和营销
InQubeta 被设计为一种无忧无虑的众筹服务,可以消除初创公司的后顾之忧,使他们能够专注于创新。其原生加密货币 QUBE 代币是支付方式和治理代币。
该代币的预售成功给加密社区留下了深刻的印象。迄今为止,其加密货币 ICO 已筹集超过 890 万美元。
QUBE 代币的数量上限为 15 亿个,其中 65% 用于公开销售。剩余的资金将重新投入平台,用于支付营销费用、法律费用、维持流动性和奖励。
InQubeta 通过质押等设施支持其生态系统的发展,确保代币持有者获得丰厚的回报并增加流动性。如果加密货币用户质押代币,只要资产锁定在流动性池中,所有者就可以获得被动收入。 InQubeta 从由税收资助的质押池中提供质押奖励。
InQubeta 是值得购买的优质加密货币之一,因为即使在波动的市场中,它也能防止您的回报大幅下降。 QUBE 代币建立在通货紧缩模型之上,该模型在通货膨胀等不利条件下会减少资产的供应。
If the supply rises during such times, it’s reduced again with the token burn mechanism which destroys extra tokens. The mechanism is also used for reining in internal inflation which commonly occurs when higher tax proceeds can push the supply higher.
To avoid internal inflation, 1% of the tax collections from every transaction is burned. The rest is used for rewards, marketing campaigns, and liquidity pools.
All decisions regarding the protocol or new additions to it are made by community members who are given special voting privileges. Before a protocol upgrade or a suggested change is implemented, it’s put to a vote. Here, token holders use their voting rights to keep irrelevant changes away.
The startups approaching InQubeta for fundraising are carefully selected through a screening process. The mechanism helps in checking how well a startup is aligned with the platform’s vision.
These startups connect with investors through an NFT portal which even allows fractional investment. The NFTs traded at the marketplace are tokenized versions of startups’ projects and their rewards and are bought with QUBE tokens.
Once an enterprise has secured funding for an AI project, it can explore services on InQubeta to scale its business. If they would like to learn more about the AI industry and its challenges, they can interact with veterans from the field using the platform’s guidance support. Startups can find mentors to guide them along their growth journey and learn from their insights.
The platform also has a service to guide entrepreneurs in legal and financial-related problems. By consulting a group of experienced advisors, they can navigate their way through such challenges and get their business back on track.
There’s help available for startups struggling with brand outreach as well. They can grow their network by interacting with professionals from varied fields while spreading the word about their projects. By leveraging InQubeta’s social media presence, startups can let more people know how they are driving impact with AI.
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2. Render Network’s RNDR usage rises in Q4
The Render Network is a decentralized platform connecting artists with rendered 3D media. Its native token RNDR is used for paying for GPU rendering services. It empowers artists to scale their GPU rendering network.
This allows the artists to meet the rising demand for advanced GPU nodes globally. The platform also facilitates network scalability so that 3D rendering services can be widely accessible.
The platform hit the headlines after it unlocked a new achievement in terms of RNDR usage which soared in the fourth quarter of 2023. In Q4, 1,074,045 units of RNDR tokens were used – almost twice that of Q3’s 549,750 units. The surge was led by Apple Vision Pro and Sphere which highlight how Render Network can be used for immersive rendering jobs.
In terms of year-on-year growth, the platform rendered 943,036 more images in the fourth quarter of 2023 than in the same period in 2022. In Q4 of 2023 and 2022, the Render Network had rendered 3,026,317 and 2,083,781 frames, respectively.
3. Injective-powered Exotic Markets goes live on mainnet
Injective is a Layer 1 blockchain that facilitates the deployment of DeFi-centric dApps. Its native token INJ is used for all transactions. These transactions are also confirmed instantly by the Tendermint proof-of-stake protocol.
The dApps powered by Injective are secured by a network of validator nodes spread globally. There are a range of features available for customizing dAPPs. These features include liquidity support and plug-and-play modules like an on-chain derivatives order book.
Injective regularly features on developers’ top picks due its interoperability. Developers can transfer Web 3.0 data and assets between blockchains for any Injective-based dApp. All such dApps can access Layer 1 networks for seamless communication.
Injective’s journey as a top crypto to invest in was facilitated by its zest for exploring new opportunities. Its recent initiatives included the mainnet launch of Exotic Markets, an option and derivatives infrastructure powered by Injective blockchain.
Injective remains a hot bet for experts who have predicted that it might witness a price breakout rally soon.
4. Singularity.Net to co-host ‘Beneficial AGI Summit 2024’ in Panama City
Singularity.Net is among the best altcoins available in the market today and it helps in creating and monetizing AI-based services. Some of its popular features include an AI publisher and marketplace. Here, developers can use algorithms to create, edit, manage, and sell their AI services.
Another cutting-edge feature of the platform is the Domain-Specific language which is a self-organizing network comprising AI agents. Crypto users can outsource their work to these agents for a range of tasks like payments, exchanging data, and other AI functions.
To avail of these services or any other transactional purpose, crypto users will have to use Singularity.Net’s native token AGIX.
The platform has been in the news due to the ‘Beneficial AGI Summit 2024’ that it will be co-hosting and is slated to be held from February 27 to March 1, 2024. Though the summit is being held in Panama City those interested can attend it virtually too. The summit will bring together different stakeholders from the AI sector to shed light on the emergence of beneficial AGI.
5. Students use Fetch.ai to create job hunting portal
Fetch.ai is among the new altcoins that are making AI-based tools more accessible for developers. Using the platform, developers can create scalable dApps and content creators can monetize their AI-based services. Its native token AGI comes in handy for settling all payments on the network.
该开源平台提供“人工智能代理”,可用于将遗留系统转变为人工智能就绪系统。这些人工智能代理就像去中心化系统的模块化构建块,可以通过编程来执行某些任务。最好的部分是,这种切换不会对现有 API 造成任何混乱。
印度孟买理工学院 (IIT-B) 的一群学生使用 Fetch.AI 创建了一个求职解决方案,该平台最近成为新闻焦点。该解决方案称为“Job Mitra”,使用人工智能代理来帮助找到适合候选人技能的工作。该解决方案经过 2,400 份简历的训练,并使用 K 最近邻方法。该解决方案在该研究所的 TechFest 上获得了二等奖。
在建立投资组合时,大多数加密货币用户都关心今天要长期购买哪种加密货币。这是一个合理的担忧,促使他们深入研究并评估他们的选择。如果你问分析师,他们最看重的是人工智能主导的山寨币,例如 InQubeta、Render Network、Injective、SingularityNet 和 Fetch.ai。
这些加密货币项目代表了快节奏的人工智能世界以及它如何进军 DeFi 世界。
如果说 Injective 和 Fetch.ai 是开发者友好的创建 dApp 的平台,那么 RenderNetwork 正在促进去中心化 GPU 服务市场。还有其他领先的代币,例如 InQubeta,它正在为人工智能的未来奠定基础,并且很可能跻身年度顶级 ICO 之列。
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