叛逆中本聪 是中本聪愿景的火炬手; 这个模因硬币即将推出。
除了其他好处之外,Fantom 计划的 Sonic 升级可以为区块链提供所需的竞争力提升。
由于其在利用和构建去中心化交易所方面的优势,Injective 仍然是一个优秀的 DEX 平台。
加密货币中隐藏的瑰宝通常是高度专业化的项目,例如 Fantom (FTM) 和 Injective (INJ)。 Rebel Satoshi ( $RBLZ ) 则相反,一个更容易理解的名字,吸引那些寻求高回报 加密货币购买的 人。
这是一款 以反叛为主题的 模因硬币,其使命是反抗现代金融体系。 最重要的是,它仍在预售中 , 尽管预售即将结束。 让我们从Rebel Satoshi
Rebel Satoshi 是一款模因币,其灵感源自中 本聪的
。 尽管 DeFi 盛行,但传统金融体系仍然存在,损害了受中心化组织压迫的普通公民。 通过中本聪和其他反叛人物的反抗精神, 反叛中本聪代表了一场 货币自由 运动 。
反叛中本聪 也是一个以各种方式(例如虚拟聚会和互动游戏)表达社区建设、娱乐和反叛文化的独特融合的环境。 叛逆 模因名人堂 将其提升到一个新的高度,以最佳的反抗主题模因为会员带来欢笑并赢得人气。
$RBLZ 代币启用的
顶级 DeFi 代币
激励的生态系统。 $RBLZ 提供对迷人的 Rebel Vault 的访问,这是一个用户交易 9,999 种 独特收藏品和数字艺术角色的市场。 鉴于 Rebel Satoshi 是一个权益证明网络,成员可以 质押 $RBLZ 来维护安全并赚取额外收入。
The presale is in its last round, where you can buy $RBLZ for $0.022. Due to the demand, $RBLZ has surged 120% since the first stage from $0.010. Current buyers should capitalize on the 25% deposit bonus offered by Rebel Satoshi, with a 13.6% increase expected for the token (to $0.025) after presale.
The latter concludes this month, preceding Rebel Satoshi’s highly-anticipated official launch!
Sonic May Be Key To Phantom’s Future Success
While most top crypto coins rely on traditional distributed ledgers or blockchains, Fantom is among the few that don’t. Instead, it relies on DAGs or directed acyclic graphs, a system to bundle transactions on top of one another.
Experts have found this model impressively scalable, providing Fantom with a much-needed distinctive edge. Despite this technology, Fantom is in the most competitive arena of crypto, which revolves around Ethereum-based smart contracts and decentralized applications.
Like many top altcoins, Fantom looks to make its own virtual machine better to rely less on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. This is one of the purposes for the upcoming ‘Sonic‘ upgrade. Other expected improvements include improving database storage and optimized consensus. Sonic is in a testnet form, with its launch expected in Spring this year.
While FTM is worth $0.34 (close to the yearly low of $0.30), estimates imply it can surpass $0.80 by 2025.
Injective Remains A Standout DEX Platform
Injective ranks much higher than Phantom in the market cap rankings. It offers a high-tech decentralized exchange that supports cross-chain margin and derivatives trading.
Injective isn’t only a user-facing platform. It also allows developers to create decentralized exchanges and other applications with near-zero gas fees. These capabilities make Injective a standout despite being much lower in the list of top 10 altcoins. Staking is another attractive aspect of Injective, providing much better rates than many projects.
Injective recently unlocked $150 million worth of INJ tokens last month. After dropping to a yearly low of $30.30 (expected for these events), INJ has recovered 14%, now worth $34.50.
All in all, Injective is also an excellent name, like Fantom. Hence, many forecasts are bullish, indicating INJ could exceed $100 by next year.
如需最新更新和更多信息,请务必访问 Rebel Satoshi 官方预售网站或通过 Telegram 联系 Rebel Red