虽然 HTTP 为我们提供了我们今天所知的互联网,但它已经过时了,并且在 20 多年后,普遍存在的问题变得越来越明显。
当今 HTTP 实施所产生的关键问题是互联网流量大幅增加以及由此产生的压力点被放大的结果。
问题不胜枚举,在技术创新时代,一项已有 20 多年历史的技术变得更加明显过时也就不足为奇了。
IPFS 提供了互联网发挥其真正潜力所需的分布式存储和文件系统。
在 IPFS 中,您不需要从单个服务器下载文件,而是要求网络中的对等点为您提供文件的路径,而不是来自中央服务器的文件路径。
IPFS 如何工作?
基本上,IPFS 与我们今天所知的万维网是一个类似的概念,但更像是在单个 Git 存储库中交换对象的单个 BitTorrent 群。
文件通过基于 BitTorrent 的协议分发。
重要的是,IPFS 作为 Kodemila、BitTorrent 和 Git 的某种组合来创建互联网的分布式子系统。
该协议的设计提供了互联网的历史版本控制,就像 Git 一样。
IPFS 的工作原理,来源
Further, the authenticity of content is guaranteed through this mechanism and when looking up files, you are essentially asking the network to find nodes storing the content behind the unique identifying hash associated with that content.
The links between the nodes in IPFS take the form of cryptographic hashes, and this is possible because of its Merkle DAG (Directed Acyclic Graphs) data architecture. The benefits of Merkle DAGs to IPFS include the following:
IPFS links file structures to each other using Merkle links and every file can be found by human-readable names using a decentralized naming system called IPNS.
The implementation of Merkle Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGS) are important to the underlying functionality of the protocol, but is more technical than the scope of this article.
If you are interested in learning more about this aspect of IPFS, you can find much more detailed information on the IPFS Github page and more about how Merkle trees work here.
Each node only stores the content that it is interested in and indexes the information that allows it to figure out who is storing what. The framework for IPFS fundamentally removes the need for centralized servers to deliver website content to users.
Eventually, this concept may entirely push the HTTP protocol into irrelevance and allow users to access content locally, offline. Instead of searching for servers as with the current infrastructure of the Internet, users will be searching for unique ID’s (cryptographic hashes), enabling millions of computers to deliver the file to you instead of just one server.
The current main implementation of IPFS is in Go with implementations in both Python and Javascript on the way. It is compatible with Linux, MacOSX, Windows, and FreeBSD.
Being an open source and community driven project, you can contribute by following the directions and documents on their Github page or operate your own IPFS node.
There are already some important use cases for IPFS and more are sure to arise as the protocol continues to develop. Offering the new, distributed P2P architecture for the Internet comes with its complexities, but the benefits can be seen in everything from massive financial savings in storage and bandwidth to integration with distributed blockchain networks.
Obvious advantages that come with the distributed storage model of IPFS apply to vastly more efficient data storage and immutable, permanence along with it.
网站将不再因服务器宕机或 HTTP 链接链中断而陷入周期性 404 错误消息。
随着大数据在现代科学中的普及,IPFS 提供的快速性能和分布式数据归档将与加速进步相关。
IPFS 使用,图片来自 Blockchain Mind
此外,服务器的集中化会导致政府窥探、DDoS 攻击流行、ISP 审查和私人数据出售。
正如 IPFS 的创建者 Juan Benet 所说:“IPFS 上的内容可以通过任何不受信任的中间商进行传输,而不会放弃对数据的控制或使其面临风险。”
最后,IPFS 与区块链技术的集成似乎是完美契合。
在区块链交易中使用 IPFS,您可以放置不可变的永久链接。
IPFS 已被纳入许多加密货币平台中,并且有潜力通过提供点对点和分布式文件系统架构来共生地帮助行业扩展,而这种架构是帮助支持加密货币平台增长所需的基础。
正如您所看到的,IPFS 是一个技术上和概念上都很复杂的协议,它雄心勃勃地希望彻底改变互联网上的数据交换。
HTTP 本身就取得了成功,并帮助互联网达到了今天的宏伟阶段,但新技术正在不断涌现,对改革和分布式基础设施的需求也已显而易见。
帖子什么是 IPFS?
星际文件系统:完整的初学者指南首先出现在 Blockonomi 上。