加密货币在很大程度上独立于传统金融体系而存在。 这种脱节带来了许多挑战,阻碍了数字资产的采用和主流使用。
Enfineo 在其富有远见的首席执行官 Alin George Luca 的领导下,旨在弥合这一差距。 通过与万事达卡等知名金融机构合作,他们正在创建一个单一、统一的平台,其中法定资产和数字资产是统一的。
在这次独家采访中,我们探讨了 Enfineo 应对的挑战、它提供的解决方案以及它为我们的金融格局设想的最终目标。
嗨,阿林。 您能向我们介绍一下您自己以及创办 enfineo 的原因吗
enfineo 的概念是为了满足我作为一名企业家的所有需求而产生的。 我一直在使用市面上的所有金融科技应用程序,我注意到,随着您的财务管理需求变得越来越复杂,您需要使用的应用程序就越多。
阿林·乔治·卢卡,enfineo 首席执行官
另外,我喜欢加密货币。 我喜欢它的想法,它有着惊人的潜力。 那么,为什么不推出一款能够满足这一需求的金融应用程序——一切都以个人基金经理的形式出现,并创造更好的进入加密货币空间的方式呢?
您如何描述 enfineo 以及该平台的核心愿景?
enfineo 旨在成为财务管理平台,您可以在其中使用您的法定资产和数字资产做任何事情。 您将不再需要使用额外的服务来交换加密货币、通过繁琐的 KYC 协议、被银行拒绝或担心合规性。 我们在后台完成这一切。 您可以随心所欲地自由使用、分类和投资您的资产。
消费者的心态阻碍了加密支付的更广泛采用。 但重要的是要明白,实际上,当前的政治和经济结构正在助长这种心态和人们的不信任。
简而言之,人们之所以不愿意接受加密货币,是因为政府和传统银行仍然反对他们无法像传统系统一样控制的系统。 另一方面,对加密持开放态度的人对与加密有关的一切感到不知所措,而了解该系统的人仍然将其更多地视为一种投资,而不是数字货币的日常使用类型。资产。
您如何看待 enfineo 为克服这些挑战和主流加密支付做出的贡献?
I have gathered around this product a handful of people who know the crypto sphere inside and out. These are people who have learned how to manage, how to work around difficult issues, and how to find innovative solutions. enfineo combines the experiences and knowledge of all these people and absorbs the challenges and obstacles newbies and experienced users find along the way.
Therefore, from buying their first crypto to further investing, swapping, and trading crypto, users will get a “manicured” experience with no hassle of dealing with the banks, identification protocols, and other procedures that make the entire experience frustrating. We cover compliance; we take care of having all legal requirements set in place, we handle security, and we make sure to align with all current legislation affecting the industry. This is our experience put to good use so that our users can only say, “Wow, it’s so simple!”
One challenge with crypto payments has been volatility. How does enfineo address this issue to ensure smooth fiat conversions?
enfineo conversions are secure, simple, smooth, but, most of all, fast. The greatest advantage of using our platform is that we will not handle exchanges in several business days but in several clicks. How do we handle volatility? In a speedy manner.
Where is enfineo based? Is it open to global users?
enfineo is a global company, but it is based in Ireland. We chose this country because they are very diligent and strict regarding digital asset legislation, and we know it would be a vote of confidence to have our users know we come from a place where legislators are tough.
Yes, it will be open to all users, eventually. We have a market roll-out plan in place, and we will cover all markets. However, keep in mind the fact that being a fintech, we need to comply with different national regulations when entering a market.
What are transaction fees and speed on enfineo like compared to other platforms?
Transaction speed will be the best on the market. This is our main selling point. Well, this and the premium user experience. And fees will be advantageous. Moreover, our packages will encourage people to use the platform more and more, creating even better opportunities to get discounts and special services.
enfineo recently announced the opening of its PreSale 3 session. Can talk more about it.
We are currently in the fundraising stages of our project. With the app well underway in its development, we have to come up with the money to support the launch logistically and in terms of marketing. And, while taking the pulse of our community, we noticed that there is still interest among those who have joined after the first PreSale sessions to join the project as investors as well as people who already are investors and who would like to get in even more. This opportunity presented itself to potential investors and us at the perfect time.
enfineo is partnered with Mastercard. How does the partnership benefit enfineo’s users?
这种合作伙伴关系的主要好处是可以使用其久经考验的基础设施来发行银行卡。 从逻辑上讲,这减轻了我们肩上的巨大负担。 更不用说像万事达卡这样规模和声誉的公司已经涵盖的安全问题了。
enfineo 如何应对围绕加密货币不断变化的监管环境?
我们直接通过它。 事实上,我们很高兴该行业受到更多监管,因为它为普通用户建立了信任,并迫使传统国家和银行机构接受这样一个事实:人们对使用数字货币感兴趣,这是他们所面临的现实。必须接受并腾出空间。 也就是说,如果他们希望保持相关性。
enfineo 因其数字资产和数字银行的组合方法而面临哪些具体挑战?
绝对不。 我们将所有资产管理视为一个整体,我们正在努力帮助那些现在被迫在不同环境下了解其财务生活各个方面的用户。 他们必须拥有自己的法定货币,在一个应用程序中通过一家银行进行管理,然后如果他们希望加密货币流向其他提供商,请进入第一个应用程序,进行转移和交换。 如果他们正在寻找麻烦,他们就会开始投资并需要另一个平台,利用他们用来管理法定货币和加密货币的平台。 一团糟!
当这正是我们正在尝试做的事情时,我们并不认为这是一个挑战。 将所有内容整合在一起以便于管理。
其实很简单。 强调简单。 我们(我和我的同事)已经跨越了困境; 我们已经自己了解了加密货币的含义。 我们还想从中得到更多。 但只有当系统被迫从内部发展时,我们才能从系统中获得更多。 我们该怎么做呢? 我们让更多的人使用它。 我们强迫我们想要看到的改变。
通过使加密货币更易于访问和管理,我们为新用户提供这个机会,并支持现有用户进一步投资。 只有让事情变得简单,我们才能做到这一点。