根据 1,000 多名受访者的样本,我们的调查发现 近一半 (45%) 将赚取额外收入列为主要用途对于加密货币,其次是省钱(19%)和抵消通货膨胀(9%)。 超过三分之一 (36%) 的受访者表示,实现财务安全和独立是使用加密货币进行储蓄的主要动机。
来自亚洲的 Aman, 在 Binance 内容系列中担任主角 ,讨论了他的国家不断上升的通货膨胀如何给他的支付能力带来越来越大的压力大学费用。他谈到了他如何使用加密货币来保持储蓄价值免受影响,并开始使用加密货币储蓄产品来增加资本。
“我开始使用 Binance Earn 产品,这些产品帮助我为我的资产积累利息,其利率比我的银行账户要好得多。它让我有机会做出自己的决定——稳定我的财务状况。我想不出还有什么比这更能给人力量了。”阿曼说。
超过三分之一 的受访者表示,高额费用 (19%) 和缓慢的交易时间 (14%) 是处理传统金融系统和服务时面临的最大挑战。< /span>
币安用户 Lauri 分享了 ,“我是一名数字游民,经常旅行,所以币安 Pay 一直是一款游戏 -改变者。如果我想寄钱回家,我必须提前几天计划,而且费用很高。我可以通过 Binance Pay 转移加密货币,大约两分钟就可以完成,几乎不需要任何费用。”
Financial Equality: The bulk of respondents (76%) indicated that crypto can play a role in reducing income inequality or financial disparities within society. It reduces the reliance on traditional financial institutions (19%), is transparent and secure (18%), provides financial access to the underbanked and unbanked (17%), enables cross-border transactions without intermediaries (16%), and offers greater control over their assets and investments (16%).
Crypto for Earning Extra Income: For respondents whose primary use for crypto is for earning extra income: 23% percent of them indicated that their goal was to supplement their primary income, with another 23% using it to save for a home and 21% for investing in other digital assets.
Crypto for Everyday Purchases: Over a third (36%) of respondents use crypto for purchases on a weekly basis, with more than half (58%) of them using crypto for online purchases, including the purchase of goods, services, digital products, followed by 12% who use it for international transactions and remittances, and another 12% for in-store purchases.
Crypto Natives: The majority are not new to crypto with 59% of respondents using crypto for 1-5 years, 14% for more than five years, and 12% are new to crypto (having used it for less than 6 months).
Crypto for Savings: 36% use crypto to save money as it offers financial security and independence, 16% for earning better interest on their savings, and 14% for saving for retirement.
Impact of Crypto: Respondents shared how crypto has positively impacted their lives with 20% reporting that it increased their investment portfolio value, 18% stating that they were provided opportunities to earn additional income through trading or staking, 15% being able to access greater financial services, 14% enhancing their financial control, and 12% benefiting from faster and cheaper cross-border transactions.
About the Survey
The survey results are based on a total sample of 1,172 individuals. The survey was conducted from November 15, 2023 to December 6, 2023 on the Binance Survey platform, and was open to users registered in Asia & Pacific, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Latin America.
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