


1. content-list: - all lists and their items are styled with a grey color (#7d7d7d) - unordered lists (ul) are styled with bullet points (list-style-type: disc) - ordered lists (ol) are styled with numbers (list-style-type: decimal) - all lists have a font size of 15px, a line-height of 29px, and a margin and padding of 0 13.5px 0 13.5px - the list style is set to inside

2. content-paragraph: - paragraphs are styled with a padding of 14px 0, a margin of 0, a font size of 16px, a color of #373636, and a line-height of 31px - the text is justified and will break words if needed

3. content-div: - divs with class "style1" have a margin of 40px 15px, a padding of 0 20px, and no border - a vertical line with a grey color (#dbdbdb) is added to the left and right of the div - headings and paragraphs inside the div have a font size of 15px, a line-height of 30px, and are centered horizontally - all list items have a grey color

- divs with class "style2" have a centered background image, padding, and a grey color (#eceef0) - headings and paragraphs inside the div have a font size of 15px, a line-height of 30px, and are centered horizontally - all list items have a grey color

- divs with class "style3" have a gradient background with images on the left and right - headings and paragraphs inside the div have a font size of 14px, a line-height of 30px, and are centered horizontally - all list items have a grey color

- divs with class "style5" have a border on the left, a grey color (#373636), and a vertical line with an orange color (#ffd669) on the left - the heading and paragraphs inside the div have a font size of 19px, a line-height of 25px, and a color of #373636 - the last paragraph has a triangle on the right side with a grey color (#373636)

- divs with class "style6" have a border, a shadow, an image on the left, and a centered grey color (#728494) - headings and paragraphs inside the div have a font size of 14px, a line-height of 25px, and a centered text alignment - all list items have a grey color

- divs with class "style7" have a border with a transparent center, a background image on the left, and a centered text color (#65877e) - headings and paragraphs inside the div have a font size of 14px, a line-height of 25px, and a centered text alignment - all list items have a greenish-grey color (#65877e)

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