币安保证金交易通过我们的独立保证金和交叉保证金产品支持高达 10 倍的杠杆。
Binance Margin 提供超过 600 个保证金对,是市场上最多的。
优点 | 缺点 | ||
提高资本效率 | 风险增加:保证金交易虽然可以放大利润,但也会放大损失。 | ||
允许利用上涨和下跌的市场 | 清算:如果交易者的保证金水平低于清算门槛,平台可能会清算其资产以收回借入的资金。 | ||
交易者可以分散投资组合,而无需投入大量资本 | 利息:借入的数字资产需要支付利息。 | ||
交易者可以利用保证金交易作为风险管理工具来对冲不利的价格变动 | 市场波动:鉴于加密货币市场的波动性,保证金交易可能具有较高的风险。价格的快速变化可能会导致损失。 | ||
负资产保护 | |||
与现货交易共享同一订单簿 | |||
简易保证金选项,为新用户提供简化的保证金交易体验 |
全仓杠杆 vs 全仓专业杠杆 vs 逐仓杠杆 | ||||
全仓保证金 | 全仓保证金专业版 | 逐仓保证金 | ||
允许使用全部保证金余额来处理所有未平仓头寸,这对那些寻求最大化资本利用率的人来说很有吸引力。 | 允许使用全部保证金余额来交易所有未平仓头寸,并允许更高的杠杆,从而提高资金效率。 | 风险是隔离的,每个未平仓头寸都有单独的保证金余额,让您可以根据自己的风险偏好和交易策略控制风险敞口。 | ||
高达 5 倍杠杆 | 高达 10 倍杠杆 | 高达 10 倍杠杆 | ||
杠杆在账户级别设置 | 杠杆设定在代币级别 | 杠杆按货币对级别设置 | ||
动态利率 | ||||
适用抵押比率 | 抵押比率不适用 | |||
借贷限额根据 VIP 等级划分 | 借贷限额根据使用的杠杆分级 | Borrowing limits are tiered according to VIP Level, Tiers & Leverage selected | ||
Borrowed digital assets can be transferred out of Margin wallet | ||||
Negative equity protection | ||||
Cooling off period: During the cooling-off period, users can temporarily opt out of margin trading |
Binance Margin loans do not have fixed terms; they can be repaid at any time, thereby providing greater flexibility for implementing trading strategies.
Depending on the selected margin product, the margin borrowing limits will differ based on the digital assets borrowed, the chosen leverage, and/or the user's VIP tier.
In Cross Margin, the borrowing limits are tiered based on the user's VIP level.
In Isolated Margin, the borrowing limits are tiered based on the user’s VIP level, the tier of the position and the leverage selected by the user.
Cross Margin Pro, the borrowing limits are tiered according to leverage used.
Margin loan interest is the cost incurred by users for borrowing digital assets to trade on margin.
The specific interest rate is determined based on demand, available supply, and the type of digital assets borrowed.
Interest is incurred hourly and only on the loan amount (simple Interest).
Binance sets a daily interest rate cap for better user security.
For current rates, please see Interest Rates.
Binance Margin supports a substantial number of digital assets as margin collateral. For a list of supported digital assets, please see margin data.
Certain margin assets may be valued on a discounted basis using a “Collateral Ratio,” a percentage at which the asset is recognized as collateral. Please see Collateral Ratios.
Collateral Ratio is tiered and may change as the relevant margin asset amount in your Cross Margin account increases/decreases.
Collateral Value refers to the total value of all assets in your Cross Margin account (in USDT), taking into account the relevant Collateral Ratio (the percentage at which the relevant asset is valued).
Collateral Value Impacts your maximum borrowable and transfer out amounts, however, it does not impact your Margin Level for liquidation purposes, which will continue to be calculated based on the total assets without any haircuts.
If the Margin Level falls below a certain value, Binance may issue a margin call, requiring the user to deposit additional collateral in the margin account or to close or downsize their position to bring the Margin Level back above the required level.
Users will receive a notification either through email, SMS, website or mobile app. If the user does not take the necessary action, his collateral assets in the margin account may be sold (or “liquidated”).
For Isolated Margin margin call thresholds, please refer to Isolated Margin.
For Cross Margin margin call thresholds, please refer to Cross Margin.
For Cross Margin Pro margin call thresholds, please refer to Cross Margin Pro.
All our margin loans are over-collateralized and have liquidation protocols in place, in line with our prudent approach to risk management.
If a user’s Margin Level falls below the liquidation level, we will liquidate the user’s collateral. This means that the proceeds from the sale of the user’s collateral will be used to repay any outstanding liabilities.
For Isolated Margin liquidation thresholds, please refer to Isolated Margin.
For Cross Margin liquidation thresholds, please refer to Cross Margin.
For Cross Margin Pro liquidation thresholds, please refer to Cross Margin Pro.
Further information around how the Margin Level is determined for Cross Margin and Isolated Margin can be found here.
Binance maintains a margin insurance fund that protects users in case their positions get liquidated and the proceeds of selling the assets in the margin account are not sufficient to repay the outstanding principal and interest.
This insurance fund is maintained by charging users who are subject to a forced liquidation a fee, which is transferred to the margin insurance fund.
For liquidation clearance fee information, please refer to Liquidation Fee.
For current margin insurance fund balance, please refer to Insurance Fund balance.
免责声明和风险警告 :数字资产价格受高市场风险和价格波动的影响。所提供的信息不构成任何形式的招揽或推荐或诱导购买或出售产品。您的投资价值可能会下跌或上涨,您可能无法收回投资金额。跨保证金有助于提供比普通保证金账户更高的杠杆,如果市场条件不利,更高的杠杆会造成更大的损失。用户的跨保证金头寸被非自愿清算的风险增加,从而可能造成损失。评论和分析并不构成币安的承诺或保证。您对自己的投资决策负全部责任,币安对您可能遭受的任何损失概不负责。过去的表现并不是未来表现的可靠预测指标。您应该只投资您熟悉且了解风险的产品。在进行任何投资之前,您应该仔细考虑您的投资经验、财务状况、投资目标和风险承受能力,并咨询独立的财务顾问。本材料不应被视为财务建议。该产品可能不适用于某些国家/地区和某些用户。本内容不适用于受禁令/限制的用户/国家。有关更多信息,请参阅我们的