名人加密代币是由名人或以名人名字创建和发行的数字资产。然而,这些代币的功能与其他加密货币类似,但它们的价值源于名人的知名度。大多数此类代币都是在以太坊或 Solana 区块链上发行的。
上周发行的大多数名人支持的代币,包括 JENNER、DAVIDO 和 RICH,都已从峰值下跌了 66% 以上。凯特琳·詹纳 (Caitlyn Jenner) 的 JENNER 代币在 24 小时内市值达到 3000 万美元,但此后下跌了 79%。Rich the Kid 的 RICH 代币现在价值 678,000 美元。David Adedeji Adeleke Oon 的 Timeless Davido (DAVIDO) 从峰值下跌了 66%。Floyd Mayweather、Moneybagg Yo (SPEAK) 和 Trippie Red (BANDO) 的代币下跌了约 90%。只有 Iggy Azalea 的 MOTHER 代币逆势而上,飙升至 1.34 亿美元的市值并创下历史新高。
Uniswap 的 Hayden Adams 表示,他并不反对名人 memecoin 热潮,但敦促更好地利用利润。以太坊的 Vitalik Buterin 也表达了同样的看法,他强调,只有支持医疗保健、开源软件和艺术等社会福利,金融化才有价值。
Market manipulation is a concern when it comes to fun tokens. Some critics argue that celebrities and their teams may exploit their influence to artificially increase the value of these tokens and then sell their holdings at inflated prices. This could lead to a loss for investors.
Pump and dump of celebrity meme tokens have been seen in the current bull market. These cryptos record an initial jump in price before plummeting. The trading patterns of these tokens from different mainstream celebrities have shown similarities.
No regulatory clarity
Another concern with celebrity crypto tokens is the lack of regulation and investor protection. Unlike other traditional financial markets, crypto operates in a relatively unregulated environment. This lack of oversight can make it easier for fraudulent activities to occur. It involves scams and Ponzi schemes.
Investors in celebrity crypto tokens may not have the same legal protection as they would in traditional investment avenues. There have been cases where celebrities have promoted crypto tokens without disclosing their financial interests, leading to potential conflicts of interest and misleading investors.
What do experts say?
To understand the expert opinions and statements on celebrity crypto frauds, we will explore various sources that shed light on this issue.
According to an article published on Harvard Business School’s HBS Working Knowledge, celebrity endorsements in the crypto space charm investors. The article highlights the case of Lindsay Lohan, who expressed her liking for Tronix (TRX) tokens, a crypto product whose founder was recently charged with fraud. The fact that Lohan failed to do thorough due diligence before endorsing the project raises concerns about the responsibility of celebrities when promoting crypto assets.
Another significant concern is the prevalence of fake celebrity endorsements in the crypto market. A blog post by KnowBe4, a cybersecurity training platform, refers to a particularly sophisticated scam involving a deepfake of Elon Musk promoting a crypto scam project. The deepfake technology used in this scam makes it challenging for investors to distinguish between genuine and fraudulent endorsements. The post emphasizes the need for caution when celebrity endorsements are involved in the crypto space.
Regulatory bodies are also aware of the risks associated with celebrity crypto endorsements. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has received numerous reports of cryptocurrency scams, including those involving celebrities and prominent businesses. ASIC acknowledges the fraudulent use of celebrities in crypto scams and highlights the importance of public awareness and reporting to combat such fraudulent activities.