
A Generation in Crisis


Cherish the current fertility rate. If there are no big changes, I feel it will be even lower in 10 years.

People now over 35 years old. The vast majority are like this.

Salary cut, unemployment.

But you have a mortgage, a car loan, or at least one child to support (elderly people are not included)

At least one of these three should be accounted for.

Ten years later, the child has reached the age of marriage.

But 80% of my mortgage has not been paid off yet.

The child's mortgage payment came again.

If your child is a boy and lives in a first- or second-tier city. So congratulations.

Your child is getting married, including the down payment for the wedding house, car, decoration, furniture and appliances, bride price, and wedding banquet (the molecular money will also be collected on the wedding day, and the meal money must be paid in advance.) After all, one son wants you to spend 1 million for these things. Not much!

I still have a lot of loans that I have not repaid. He still has to save 1 million for his son. I believe this has put many families in trouble.

I'll give you a grandchild or something in the next few years. But you haven't retired yet.

Return the land to earn money to pay off your own mortgage, or earn your own living expenses.

Who will come to see the child?

Looking for a nanny, confinement nanny.

Then this is a huge amount of money!

It is not possible for a person to work full-time. Return to the children's generation.

I can't even do it myself. Because if one of our parents gets sick or something, we are only children. Then do you serve your grandson, or do you show your filial piety before bed?

Some friends will definitely ask, isn’t this the case for the current wave of people getting married?

If you think so, my friend, you are wrong. The current generation of people’s parents will not have such a high probability of famine.

And at that time, the family was basically not an only child, and the brothers and sisters could take care of each other.

There is also the issue of work. Now the boss of a private company doesn't care about you. If you take too much leave, they can fire you.

Pregnant women cannot be fired. Then they can wait until you have given birth and take maternity leave to wait for you.

Because your company has already found your replacement long ago when you asked for leave. #EOS #pepe #ARB #BTC #sei

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