IF YOU CHOOSE AGAIN If I could choose again, I would definitely not DCA when the ecosystem collapses.Today I posted an article warning people not to invest in USTC (LUNA ecosystem) and instead find other good projects with long-term potential to invest. I also did not expect that article would receive great attention from people with many different opinions.First of all, I apologize to those investors who are hard fans of the LUNA ecosystem, but for me personally, the LUNA ecosystem is worthless, the reason why is that year I still remember the moment DCA negative LUNA. and USDT with one after another, the savings books matured before the deadline to leave forever. Luckily, at that time, I did not borrow from anyone to make the DCA negative. My belief at that time was still 100% absolute and always thought that the LUNA ecosystem would recover soon and everyone would know the results. Now thinking back, if I had known how to accept mistakes, let go of my big ego and accepted to cut losses from the beginning instead of negative DCA, perhaps my position would have been different.At this moment, I understand the saying more and more:AS LONG AS MONEY IS MORE OPPORTUNITY - OUT OF MONEY IS OUT OF OPPORTUNITYIf I accept my mistakes and cut losses from the beginning, I will have money left to start over, instead of when I find a potential project and find I have no money left to invest and feel regretful.LAST WORD, I WOULD LIKE TO SEND A COMPLIMENT TO THE GENIUS IF ANYONE INVESTED IN THE LUNA ECOSYSTEM AND AFTER THE COLLAPSE STILL HOLDS IT AND HOPES THE PROJECT WILL REVIVAL.
