2023年第四季度,以可扩展性和基础设施着称的区块链平台Avalanche(AVAX)取得了长足的进步。 Messari 声称 AVAX 表现最佳,帮助该协议在重要指标上实现了令人印象深刻的增长。 突破性的雪崩成就 研究显示,AVAX 的市场估值大幅增长,截至年底达到 144 亿美元,环比增长 344%,同比增长 326%。由于股价大幅上涨,AVAX 的市值从 20 跃升至 9,跃升了 11 位(目前排在卡尔达诺 (ADA) 后面第十位)。 铭文数量的急剧增加,尤其是 Avascriptions(ACS-20 代币),是 Avalanche 收入迅速增长的关键因素。 这些链上呼叫数据传输的显着增加导致收入大幅增加。 Avalanche 从 11 月到 12 月的收入大幅增长,以美元计算,增长了 2,874%,从 190 万美元增至 5,650 万美元。 随着收入的增长,每日交易量相应环比增长 450%,达到 150 万笔。促成大部分交易的另一个因素是 Avascriptions 的推出。 Avalanche 的 C 链上发生了前所未有的 630 万笔交易,其中大约 610 万笔是铭文交易。 Avalanche 从未见过如此大的单日交易量。 尽管C-Chain的日活跃地址数量环比下降了50%,但下降的主要原因是连接多个区块链的平台LayerZero的活跃程度。尽管如此,研究指出,Avalanche 的活跃验证者环比增加了 20%,从 1,374 名验证者增加到 1,651 名。 Messari 表示,验证者数量的增加,加上 AVAX 股份环比增长 11%,表明人们对未来一年对 AVAX 的积极渴望。 Avalanche 的 TVL 攀升 78%
The Total Value Locked (TVL) of Avalanche, expressed in USD, increased by a significant 78% quarter-on-quarter, reaching $1.03 billion at the conclusion of Q4 2023. In terms of TVL denominated in USD, this put Avalanche at number seven. Nevertheless, there was a 71% QoQ decline in TVL-denominated in AVAX, mainly because the gain in USD-denominated TVL was driven by the AVAX price appreciation.Multiple procedures' effects on Avalanche's performance are also detailed in the paper. TVL's biggest protocol, AAVE, had a 60% QoQ rise, while Trader Joe and Benqi both saw significant gains of 131% and 205%, respectively. The fact that these three procedures comprised 79% of Avalanche's TVL demonstrates their ecological domination.Even smaller protocols like GMX and Pangolin saw remarkable development, while Avalanche saw a lot of TVL for Balancer because to Benqi's sAVAX liquidity pool. The average daily DEX volumes also increased by 245% QoQ in Q4.Looking at the 1-day chart, we can see that Avalanche's token trading pair, AVAX/USD, broke out of its extended period of flat price movement in Q4, seeing substantial rise.
On the other hand, AVAX saw a severe correction on December 24, falling to the $27 price level, after a major advance had driven the token to $50, its greatest level in 20 months. Thanks to the upswing in Bitcoin's (BTC) value and general market optimism, the cryptocurrency has recovered. Currently, AVAX is back in the $40 range, after a 13% price gain over the last 14 days.