币安宣布将使用种子标签列出 Pyth 网络。 $PYTH 是 Chainlink 的重要竞争对手( $LINK )在德品区。 它比任何竞争对手都快一英里。 让我们看看街区里最新的孩子。
️ 什么是 Pyth 网络?
Pyth Network 是一个将金融市场数据发布到多个区块链的预言机。 各种交易所和做市公司都会贡献其可用的市场数据。 预言机不断聚合发布价格,为美国股票、大宗商品和加密货币等多种不同资产类型提供准确的价格信息。
当然,让我们更深入地了解 Pyth 网络的运作方式......
Pyth 网络是一种去中心化协议,可在区块链环境中实现高质量金融数据的民主化访问。 传统上,关键的金融信息基本上只有银行和对冲基金等机构实体才能访问。 Pyth Network 通过向更广泛的受众(包括个人用户、开发人员和去中心化金融(DeFi)
Pyth Network的核心应用在于为基于区块链的DeFi应用提供实时、准确的金融数据,从而增强其功能和可靠性。 其实用性涵盖广泛的金融应用:
借贷协议 :Pyth 的数据,包括特斯拉股票等资产的实时价格反馈,对于借贷平台至关重要。 它可以有效管理由特定资产代币抵押的贷款。
去中心化交易所 :网络的价格供给,例如 ETH/USD 汇率,对于去中心化交易所至关重要。 他们依靠这些数据来实现准确的贸易估值和市场稳定。
风险管理和衍生品 :Pyth 的数据源是计算风险指标和评估复杂金融产品的关键。 这包括去中心化金融领域的期货和期权。
投资组合管理工具 :投资工具和投资组合跟踪器利用 Pyth 的数据进行实时资产估值和绩效分析。
Pyth Network 通过定期在链上发布价格更新的各个参与者的协同合作来运作。 网络的运行由几个关键组件和流程支撑:
发行商 :加密货币交易所和贸易公司等为各种金融资产提供频繁价格更新的实体。 例如,交易所可能会发布 BTC/USD 价格,而贸易公司可能会提供特斯拉的股票价格。
Aggregation Algorithm: Pyth Network uses a sophisticated weighted median algorithm for data aggregation. This method calculates a median of the prices, giving more weight to publishers known for accuracy and higher staking amounts. This approach guards against manipulation, ensuring data integrity and reliability.
Think of Pyth Network as a global news agency in the world of finance. Just like a news agency collects information from reporters all over the world, Pyth collects financial data from various publishers. These publishers are like the reporters who are experts in their field and provide the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Once the data is collected, it’s not just blindly relayed. There’s an editorial process, much like in a news agency. This is the aggregation algorithm, which checks the data for accuracy and reliability, giving more importance to the most trusted sources.
Finally, just like a news agency distributes the news to various newspapers and channels, Pyth Network makes this financial data available to various DeFi applications. These applications then use this data to provide various services to their users, just like newspapers provide news to their readers.
How Fast it is Compared to Chainlink?
ChainLink updates price feed data after a few minutes, for BTC/USD it's 10-60 minutes, while Pyth updates data in real time.
Future Of Pyth Network
Pyth Network indeed a great project. Many Blockchain Projects are using it. It now serves over 300 decentralized applications (dApps) across fifty blockchains.
Some of the long-time ecosystem partners of Pyth Network include Synthetix, Injective, Movement Labs, Vela Exchange, SynFutures, Composability Labs, Matter Labs, HMX, Backpack, Helius, Gelato Network, and many more.
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