HTX Token(HT)是主要加密货币交易所 HTX 的原生加密货币。 它基于以太坊网络,这意味着它是一种 ERC-20 代币。 作为一种非稳定币,其价格会根据市场、交易所的声誉、与平台相关的新发展、代币的用例等而发生变化。
HTX 代币于 2018 年 1 月推出,就在 Bina 推出自己的 Bina 币后不久。 事实上,HT 在某种程度上成为了 Bina Coin 的竞争对手。 在交易所的生态系统中,HT一直在帮助HTX建立灵活的营销策略,以吸引新用户并帮助平台进一步发展。
HTX Token(HT)解决什么问题?
HTX 代币在 HTX 交易所之外没有任何实际用例。 当然,它可以用于投资和交易,但它并不是为了解决现实世界中的某些特定问题而创建的。
HTX 定期进行 HT 回购,其目的有几个。 例如,它将代币带回 HTX 的钱包并将其从流通中删除。 在此过程中,HTX 还有助于增加代币的稀缺性,这可以对其价格产生积极影响。
不仅如此,交易所购买的代币会被发送到投资者保护基金,其目的是补偿任何财务损失。 换句话说,交易所准备了一项基金,将从中提取资金来弥补交易者和投资者因不良行为者、系统故障等原因而遭受的损失。
HTX 代币还以另一种方式提供帮助,其中包括促销空投。 本质上,每当交易所在其平台上列出新的加密资产时,HTX 代币持有者都会收到 HT 形式的奖励。 奖励有两个原因:奖励持有者,以及推广在平台上列出的新代币。 据交易所称,持有者还有可能获得钱包奖金。
HTX 代币具有许多优点,使其成为 HTX 生态系统中非常有用的资产。 投资者不仅可以从代币中获利,还可以获得额外的好处,例如:
Reduced transaction fees
One of the biggest benefits that HTX Token holders get is the discount on transaction fees. In fact, the exchange offers an entire series of discounts for clients that hold VIP status. Thanks to this benefit, investors, and traders can save up quite a bit of money of funds on commissions. This is not a unique feature, of course, and most exchanges use their native cryptos in a similar way. However, only HTX Token grants such discounts on HTX exchange, so all those who wish to trade on this exchange and receive discounts would do well to obtain some HT beforehand.
Means of exchange
Another advantage that users get from holding HT on HTX is a convenience when it comes to converting coins. The platform has HT paired against pretty much all other cryptos that are listed on its service. Therefore, it is very easy and convenient to exchange HTX Token for other cryptocurrencies. In other words, you do not have to buy stablecoins or Bitcoin in order to purchase a less popular cryptocurrency, as HT grants access to most, if not all of them.
Decision making
Lastly, it is also worth noting that HT allows token holders to participate in the project’s governance. This is something that became quite big thanks to DeFi and DAOs, but exchanges like HTX have been providing this option for a long time. Basically, if you own any amount of HT, you are eligible to vote on various proposals regarding the project’s future and development. This ensures true decentralization and democracy within the ecosystem, and the more tokens you have in your possession, the more weight your vote carries with it.
How Does HTX Token (HT) Work?
HTX Token’s main mission is to provide the HTX Exchange’s users with the best possible experience, and with new ways to get discounts on trading fees, access new coins, help make decisions that would guide the project into the future, and more. It also helps secure the exchange’s users, so they do not end up financially ruined in case bad actors happen to steal their funds.
Of course, there is also the fact that this is an actual cryptocurrency, so there can be financial gain, as well. Simply put, if HTX continues to attract users and move up in popularity, so will its tokens, which will benefit all those who hold it.
HTX Token is a crucial part of the HTX Eco Chain, as well, which is a chain that hosts DeFi apps. This is essentially HTX’s version of BSC, established specifically to offer access to new crypto trends that are based on smart contracts.
Apart from that, the token’s purpose is to secure the network and provide benefits and additional transaction methods for the exchange’s users. HT also has similar tokenomics to Bina Coin ’s own buybacks and coin-burning strategy. HTX uses 20% of the revenue generated from smart contracts to buy back HT and remove it from circulation which, as mentioned, increases the tokens value.
How to Buy HTX Token (HT)
HTX Token (HT) is available on the following exchanges:
HTX – HTX成立于2013年,现已成为全球最大的数字资产交易所之一,累计交易量达1万亿美元。 需要注意的是,HTX 目前不接受美国或加拿大居民。
HTX 代币(HT)——最终想法
HTX 代币是 HTX 交易所生态系统内有用的加密货币,在生态系统之外,它可用于从交易和投资中受益。 然而,它的真正用例和好处在于交易所,因此对于那些有兴趣使用 HTX 的人来说,它可能是最有用的。