考虑到以下因素,2024 年很可能成为下一次牛市的一年 有其预期的减半事件。 然而,对于所有加密货币爱好者、狂热的投资者,甚至是该行业的新手来说,我们都可以说,2024 年的牛市不仅仅是找到一些最好的加密货币进行投资。
此外,考虑下一次牛市的前 5 个预测可能会让您与单纯的狂热者区分开来,为您提供各种在未来和长期赢得大奖的机会。 留在原地,做笔记,然后选择是否想成为下一件大事的一部分,主导 2024 年的加密货币牛市。
毫无疑问,看跌的状态 市场对加密货币和区块链国家的表现留下了印记,仅举几例,我们对未来的加密货币监管存在不确定性,许多政府仍介入其中,从而让投资者感到紧张。
在央行努力对抗通胀的过程中,不断上升的利率也发挥着至关重要的作用。 因此,这种观点使加密行业处于不利的境地,使其对寻求更高回报的投资者的吸引力降低。
比特币减半事件将使新比特币数量减少近50%,导致市场上新币大幅下降。 为什么这个事件很重要?
提前预测 2024 年牛市
当加密货币市场为下一次牛市做准备时,确定可能推动市场增长的关键趋势和因素至关重要。 以下是对 2024 年牛市的一些重要预测。
在下一次加密货币牛市期间,元界平台的开发预计将比加密行业呈指数级增长。 正如苹果、英伟达或亚马逊等大公司大力投资推出元界平台所看到的那样,下一次牛市将推出新的元界平台,使竞争比以往任何时候都更具挑战性。
As expected by many, and as anticipated since GamiFi goes hand in hand with Metaverse platforms, the industry will shine a new light on these gamified projects through new incentivizing models, immersive gameplay, and experiences.We can mention #SpaceCatch and their #CATCH token one of the most anticipated projects
Now, more than ever, it's more about the players rather than conventional approaches that use gimmicky schemes to make profits.
One of the most expected predictions for the 2024 bull run is the interconnection of the #NFTs with a higher utility, especially within the retail and music industry, but not limited to these.
As already seen in many industries, AI keeps breaking into new territories, this time within Web3. AI-based crypto and Web3 projects are expected to gain traction, yet the level of utility and relevance will be the main differentiator.
The growth of cryptocurrencies in the next bull run could catalyze this wider adoption, encouraging more businesses to consider adopting them as payment methods.
Additionally, the growing user base and increasing liquidity of crypto markets will further facilitate the integration of cryptocurrencies into mainstream payment systems.
The 2024 crypto bull run is expected to be a significant event that could revolutionize the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry. With factors like Bitcoin's halving event, the Ethereum network's Shanghai upgrade, and the increased adoption of cryptocurrencies in various sectors, there are many reasons to be optimistic about the industry's future.
Furthermore, investors should carefully consider these predictions to make informed decisions about their investments, and by focusing on projects with real-world utility and a strong team, investors can increase their chances of success in the 2024 bull run.
Yet, for all intents and purposes, past performance should not be considered a guarantee for future performance, so these predictions should not be treated as investment advice. You may keep these predictions in mind; however, you should only invest according to your research.
,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“