两天前,比特币迎来了自己的 15 岁生日,社交媒体上纷纷发文庆祝。
时间过得很快。 比特币已经上线并发展了15年。 在这15年里,有过69,000美元的高光时刻,也有几乎为零的惨淡时刻。
在过去的 15 年里,每个人都以不同的价格点了解了比特币。 有些是 1 美元,有些是 1,000 美元,有些则高达 69,000 美元。
1. 比特币的 15 年
2009年1月3日,第一个BTC被中本聪挖出。 从一开始没人关心、不被认可的时候,到现在市值8550亿美元,位居全球前十。
比特币的15年,从0到8550亿。 它改变了全球经济的某些方面,也改变了很多人的生活轨迹。
在区块链上,一切都记录在链上,所有信息都可追溯,总量有限且无法增发,去中心化,人人都可以参与。 比特币改变了经济流行的方式。
前两天,我看到了前10名的比特币持有者钱包地址。 其中,被标记为失踪的中本聪钱包内装有110万枚BTC,目前价值超过470亿美元。
中本聪在2009年发布比特币软件后,维护了一段时间。 2011年4月26日后彻底消失。
2010年,有一位名叫Laszlo Hanech的程序员,开采了大量的BTC。 他想看看BTC是否值钱,于是他在论坛上发起了兑换活动,用10000个BTC兑换2个披萨。
这对于BTC来说是一个里程碑事件。 这是虚拟货币第一次可以兑换实物,也表明了人们对比特币的共识。
从那时起,比特币就起起落落,从几美分到目前的 44,000 美元。
Suppression by political bodies, attacks by hackers, mainstream doubts, etc., the development history of Bitcoin is a difficult history of exploration and a process of consensus building.
From 0 to 44,000, to higher or zero in the future, waiting for the test of time.
2. My 15 years
It has been three years since Chuxiao Chain entered the crypto market. Over the past three years, I have started to learn and participate in market activities. I have occasionally made small gains, but I have also continued to step into pitfalls and been cut off. However, the blockchain has opened up a different vision of my life.
In the past 12 years, I may have heard of BTC, but never understood it seriously; so much so that when I entered the circle in 2021, I purchased my 0.0089th BTC at more than $55,000.
If I pay attention to BTC earlier, will I enter the market earlier? At that time, the price will be lower and there will be more opportunities. However, due to personal information barriers and cognitive limitations, I did not participate and missed the wild development of BTC in its early days.
That day I took a peek at the wallet of a big guy in the group. There were 400 BTC lying in it, worth hundreds of millions. And 10 years ago, he was just an ordinary person, but he seized the BTC opportunity at that time and can make money today.
Some bosses said that it is normal to miss opportunities in the currency circle. First, no one tells you! The second is that you don’t believe it. Everyone has the opportunity to enter the crypto market, but most people ignore it. Those who enter early can make huge profits.
According to relevant statistics, there are 420 million cumulative encryption users in the world, accounting for 5% of the world's total population. We are already taking a step ahead of many people in this proportion.
No one knows how the crypto world will develop in the future, but I will continue to track and pay attention to BTC, hoping to seize this opportunity for change.
What about your 15 years?
You can see many people born in 2000 or even 10 years old on Twitter. They have seized opportunities in the crypto market, continue to learn and pay attention to the market, are young and energetic and dare to take challenges. They are the first batch of beneficiaries.
The crypto world is an opportunity for young people. Only by daring to accept new things can it be possible to open a new world.
BTC, which has experienced 15 years of development, is still a new thing. The current price is US$44,000. Whether it is the starting point or the end point, the answer has not yet been revealed. Those who believe in it continue to be holders, and those who question it continue to watch the excitement.
Most of us may be lucky enough to see the next 15 years. What kind of crypto market will we see when we grow old in 2029? We'll see.
以上仅代表个人观点,不构成投资建议。 我是楚小莲,关注加密市场和web3。