
下一步是什么?2024 年加密货币大预测



2024 年加密货币大预测首次出现在 Coinpedia 上

随着下一次比特币减半事件的临近,加密货币旁观者屏息以待 2024 年的黎明。

分析师认为,加密货币市场正处于减半事件前的反弹之中,投资者希望在 2025 年超牛市预期回归之前抢占先机并获得回报。

因此,一些专家对 2024 年的加密货币做出了乐观的预测,市场上一些被低估的项目将在未来 12 个月内起飞。

其中一颗未切割的宝石仍处于预售阶段,但预计到 2025 年将呈抛物线形。向 Memeinator (MMTR) 打个招呼,这是一种新的 Meme 代币,在 2024 年大型加密货币预测列表中名列前茅,其一心致力于实现市值快速翻倍。


Memeinator 被传送到了 2077 年的今天,这是一片后世界末日的荒原,那里的密码圈已经腐烂到无法修复的地步。


Memeinator 本身就是一个 meme 币,它正在与这些抄袭者进行全面战争,同时无情地追求实现 10 亿美元市值的目标。


Memeinator 正在挖掘 Meme 币市场的巨大潜力,并将其与人工智能的力量相结合,创建



该工具收集网络来发现低于标准的 Meme 硬币,将它们转化为角色形式,并将它们输入到该平台令人兴奋的 GameFi 式射击体验

Meme Warfare


在这里,用户使用 Memeinator 来接收低于标准的代币,并将它们永远扔进垃圾堆。



电影系列的优秀品牌,难怪许多分析师将 Memeinator 命名为他们对 2024 年加密货币的重大预测之一。

Memeinator 预售:为代币持有者提供 Meme 币未来的大量股份

原生 MMTR 代币为 Memeinator 的生态系统提供动力并支付质押奖励,年化收益可能达到令人瞠目结舌的 45%。

此外,MMTR 代币将使用户能够访问目前正在开发的备受期待的秘密 NFT 掉落以及

Meme Warfare


Access to the MMTR token can be gained through the exciting Memeinator presale event launched to great fanfare on 27th September 2023 at just $0.01. Since then, the ICO has surpassed the seven-figure funding milestone, raising $2.8m. The price of the MMTR token has increased by around 6% throughout each of the presale phases to date and will continue to do so until the 20th and final round.

The ICO is now in stage 11 with MMTR tokens valued at $0.0176, still enormously undervalued compared to other coins on the market. As a result, FOMO is growing among investors as Memeinator’s presale continues to build toward its eventual $0.0292 valuation before hitting public crypto exchanges.

This means the window for new investors to take advantage of sizable gains during the presale is rapidly closing; those wanting to take advantage of one of the experts’ big crypto predictions for 2024 should act now.

Memeinator price prediction: Will MMTR achieve $1?

As well as leading the grassroots rebellion towards the clean-up of the meme coin landscape, Memeinator is single-mindedly pursuing a $1 billion market cap. With a total token supply of 1 billion coins, the magic number for the MMTR token is $1. Experts are excitedly exploring the likely price performance of the coin once it goes public, and with appealing tokenomics to support the enormous levels of utility and genuine value, the question is likely when, not if, Memeinator will achieve its goal.

Memeinator has already employed a token-burning mechanism during the ICO, burning almost 130 million MMTR tokens, equating to six presale phases worth. MMTR tokens have a strategic deflationary system, with the team’s plan to trigger ad-hoc burns to keep the token value strong.

With the excitement building around the Bitcoin halving event in 2024, forecasts are that MMTR could soar past the $0.50 mark before fully taking flight if, as expected, a bull run follows in 2025. This would break the $1 barrier while achieving its overall goal.

Whatever happens, analysts are unanimous in listing Memeinator as one of their top crypto predictions for 2024, with the potential for substantial 50x-plus gains on the horizon for earliest-stage ICO investors.

Be part of crypto’s next great rebellion

Memeinator is a firm favourite with crypto experts, as seen by its inclusion in so many big crypto predictions for 2024 lists in recent weeks.

However, tokens won’t be at their current giveaway price levels for long. With a low market cap, clear-cut and single-minded mission, huge ambitions, and an exciting vision, not to mention the growing support of an increasing number of grassroots agitators, expectations are that MMTR will hit an upward price trajectory soon after its public release.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of something genuinely sensational in 2024, and get your Memeinator presale tokens while stocks last.

To buy Memeinator (MMTR), visit the official Memeinator website.

热点:加密货币 加密 是什么







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