鉴于加密行业的新生性质,诈骗变得越来越频繁和复杂。 因此,用户有必要不断了解最新的方法。
诈骗长期以来一直是加密货币领域的一个突出威胁。 鉴于其新生性质,许多用户缺乏如何保护自己的意识,狡猾的诈骗者不断通过不同手段进行攻击。 一些最突出的骗局包括:投资骗局、就业骗局、杀猪骗局、赠品骗局、庞氏骗局等等。
骗子无处不在。 他们可以根据受害者的活动准确捕捉受害者的心理特征,甚至通过社会工程来胁迫他们。 诈骗者及其手段的日益复杂,常常使许多新手难以防范。 因此,有必要及时了解最新的诈骗手段和防护措施。
在安全性和用户体验之间找到平衡是一项具有挑战性的任务,但它是我们日常职责的很大一部分。 币安通过多种风控手段确保用户资金安全。 我们根据诈骗风险的强度将其分为八个不同的级别。 如下图所示,这些按升序排列,从定制的弹出通知到叫醒服务。
1. 自定义弹窗通知
弹窗通知是币安最温和的风险提示方式。 当我们根据收款人(用户或地址)的欺诈指数发现涉嫌欺诈的异常行为时,我们将使用这些通知用户。 在此,我们提醒用户,如果您看到我们的弹窗,请仔细阅读其中内容,以确保您的资金安全。
2. 互动风险评估表
我们为特殊用户群体提供风险评估服务,例如那些更容易遭受诈骗的用户群体。 风险评估以调查问卷的形式呈现。 通过用户对问卷的回答,帮助他们准确判断风险并采取相应的控制措施。 这些将在下面进一步详细解释。
The questionnaire is designed to suit your unique circumstances, and your answers will help provide the most suitable protection. To ensure we can provide the best risk assessment services, please fill out the questionnaire carefully and truthfully.
Binance has cooperated with leading security companies in the Web3 industry to build a global address database. Based on extensive address data, we help users avoid withdrawing funds to risky addresses.
Global Malicious Address Database Alert Demo
Ponzi schemes are one of the most prevalent scam methods in cryptocurrency. Scammers usually entice victims with a few initial “investments” so they can commit more rampant fraud. In reality, these investments are fake, designed to lure victims into more serious scams.
To combat these, we have provided an alert service for users. When a user is identified as making a small profit that we suspect is linked to fraud, we will freeze this “profit,” assuming it is being used as bait in a scam. Simultaneously, we will send a message to the user through SMS and email and proactively contact them to inquire further about specific details.
Freezing Small Amounts of Commission Demo
As the name suggests, the cooling-down service is designed for potential victims of impulsiveness, with Binance helping them stay calm before withdrawing funds. The cooling-down will be triggered in conjunction with other services. For example, when a potential victim fills out the risk assessment form with a high-risk URL, we will trigger the one-hour cooling-down period. During this hour, the withdrawal function of the potential victim will be disabled, and we will guide the user through conducting a risk investigation.
According to the strength of the risk, we divide the cooling-down period into one-hour and 24-hour windows. Users who have been placed into the 24-hour cooling-down period must be particularly careful about their current withdrawal behavior and the projects they participate in. There is a high probability that they are experiencing scams.
Cooling-Down 24H Demo
Alongside the services discussed above, some users may have questions. They may not understand why certain pop-ups, evaluations, or interceptions appear when they attempt to withdraw funds. In light of this, we have prepared a chat dissuasion service. We have configured standardized risk service processes in the Binance customer support chat, including but not limited to risk knowledge popularization and manual dissuasion services.
Chat Dissuasion Demo
The “wake-up call” is Binance’s ultimate weapon for victims who are deeply embedded in scams. Once we identify a potential victim in an urgent situation affecting a large amount of funds, our service team will immediately provide a wake-up call. Here, a customer support worker will engage in a voice call directly with the user through the Binance chat feature to provide tailored support. Direct one-to-one communication is often critical, and we have helped many potential victims avoid scams so far.
Wake-Up Call Demo
Finally, we will also send a kind reminder to potential victims who insist on withdrawing their funds. Funds always belong to the user, and while protecting users from scams, we respect their right to control their own funds. Therefore, in most cases where the user insists on withdrawing funds, we will not forcibly intercept it. However, the user will be required to sign a scam risk disclosure statement, indicating that the user is aware of the risks they may face.
Scam Risk Disclosure Statement Demo
If you’ve fallen victim to a scam, please contact law enforcement and file a report to Binance immediately. Binance works closely with various law enforcement agencies worldwide, and our cooperation often results in detections and seizures. While recovering your money is far from guaranteed, in most cases, these measures are the only way to retrieve stolen funds.
Our risk team works around the clock to safeguard the Binance ecosystem, ensuring a frictionless user experience through an array of advanced tools and measures. We’re always looking to improve our technology, products, and operations to best serve our users best. As the landscape of crypto scams continues to develop, it is essential for Binance to continue maintaining the best protective standards and for users to remain educated on these.
Know Your Scam: How to Identify and Avoid Ponzi Schemes
Know Your Scam: Protect Yourself From Binance Imposter Scams
Know Your Scam Series Blogs
Disclaimer: This content is presented to you on an “as is” basis for general information and educational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind. It should not be construed as financial advice, nor is it intended to recommend the purchase of any specific product or service. Digital asset prices can be volatile. The value of your investment may go down or up, and you may not get back the amount invested. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions, and Binance is not liable for any losses you may incur. Not financial advice. For more information, see our Terms of Use and Risk Warning.