他留下的信息很少。 大家只知道他是进入密码朋克风格的人之一。 他在密码算法、计算机、数学思维和社会经济学方面拥有惊人的知识。 BTC中许多以前被认为多余的技术错误后来被证明是正确的,比如精心挑选的Koblitz曲线,它绕过了美国国家安全局在加密规范中隐藏的侧门。
吴忌寒先生是币圈当之无愧的高层人物。 他是85后,毕业于北京大学心理学和经济学双专业。 这是他给外界的共同标签。 目前担任比特大陆首席执行官,是业内公认的比特币布道者。 他早在2011年就接触了比特币,与常柴等人创立了巴比特,后来又打造了矿机芯片。
赵长鹏先生,英文名CZ,是必捷科技创始人兼CEO。 为30多家交易所提供云交易系统服务,成立一年内收入3610万元。 曾任OKCoin联合创始人兼CTO、Blockchain.info技术总监、阜新信息技术有限公司创始人兼中国区总裁。
曾担任旅游电视主持人的何毅在加入okcoin时担任公司副总裁,全面负责okcoin公司的品牌建设。 在任职期间,这位1985年出生的漂亮小姐姐将okcoin打造成了一个好看的数字资产交易平台。
Vitalik Buterin 于 2011 年 3 月加入比特币社区,他和 Mihai Alisie 于 9 月创立了比特币杂志。 2012年考入加拿大滑铁卢大学计算机科学专业。 2013年,他决定离开滑铁卢大学,前往世界各地的比特币社区。
互联网90后创业领军人物孙宇晨先生,一年内三次逆袭,17岁考入北大,21岁赴宾夕法尼亚大学就读并通过学费投资比特币和特斯拉获得了他的第一笔收入。 千万; 23岁创立了自己的公司,并通过创业实现了身家过亿。
Li Xiaolai, an angel investor, serial entrepreneur, former New Oriental famous teacher, blockchain expert, and now a partner of EdSmart International Education Consulting, is usually good at sharing with others, his blog posts are very meaningful, and he is the author of the best-selling coaching book "TOEFL Core" Vocabulary Breakthrough in 21 Days", "TOEFL High Score Essay", "TOEFL iBT Vocabulary Classification Breakthrough", etc.
Guo Hongcai, known as Mr. Bao, is a Bitcoin angel investor. His investments include: Yihang Cloud Computing, Wells Fargo Fund, Yangyang Interview, Bit Fund, Btc123.com, Bw.com, Jua.com, Bitwallet, and bitbank.com.
BM is an American, born in Colorado in the west. His father is Stan Larimer, a master of electrical engineering (MSEE). After graduation, he taught rocket science at the U.S. Air Force Academy. During his tenure, he developed "unmanned aerial vehicles" for aerospace giants such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and General Dynamics. ".
Mr. He Bin graduated from Hangzhou Normal University with a bachelor's degree in economics. After graduation, he worked as a product manager in an Internet company. During this period, he taught himself programming, design and engineering, and began to work on community projects that he was interested in. Later, he joined a consulting company in the United States to work on outsourcing projects. Product design, worked remotely for 4 years.