为什么某动、某宝、360这样的平台都搞金融,想方设法借钱给你? 他们只是想赚取你的兴趣吗? 哼,那你就太低估他们了。
现在只要点击任意一个平台,你就能找到数十万的限额、秒级的低利息支付、以及海量的诱惑信息。 这背后,隐藏着一个残酷的事实。 你不知道。 先保存内容有点敏感。 首先,今年3月,央行要求所有贷款平台贷款产品标注年利率。 他们之前的文字游戏彻底暴露了。 大家这才发现,市面上的网贷平台年利率高达20%以上,有的甚至高达36%。 连放高利贷的人都嫉妒他们。 但如果你认为他们只是为了赚取你的一点利益,那只能说明你的认识还停留在常人的思维里。 说白了,资本的本质从来都是先创造钱,然后靠钱生钱,那么你想问,他们从哪里弄来这么多钱,放出这么多贷款呢?
有一个金融术语叫资产证券化,是指利用基础资产产生的未来现金流作为还款支持,通过结构化设计进行信用增级。 基于此。
资产支持证券,也就是大家以前听说过的ABS,这个过程是不是有点深奥? 我给你举个例子你就会明白。 假设村里有一个老张的特产苹果,然后卖给邻近的村庄。 如果你想买的话,就算没钱也没关系。 你可以选择向他借,但是你需要付出一定的努力。 例如,如果每个人借了五个苹果,一年后他必须归还六个苹果。 如果十个人向老张借苹果,一年后老张能拿回60个苹果吗? 但如果到这里就结束了,老张只赚这点利息,也就是十个苹果,他肯定不会满足。 后来他发现,村民的欠条本身也有价值。 他可以拿着这些借条去找房东,也就是所谓的投资人,说一年后这些借条可以换60个苹果。 现在我用它们换60个苹果。 如果我抵押给你,我能拿回30个苹果吗? 如果是你,你愿意用它来交换他吗? 连这个傻子都愿意。 他只要坐下来就可以赚到苹果,没有任何风险。 换句话说,利率好吗? 那你不觉得这个操作和首付买房很相似吗?
If you give a bank a loan of 700,000 yuan for a house worth 1 million yuan, do you think this bank is risky? Can you understand something? We continue. Second, through the securitization of assets, Lao Wang can lend these 30 apples to people in the village who want to eat apples, and then continue to use the next round of IOUs to finance more apples, and then the cycle repeats. The third round, the fourth round, the fifth round until the Nth round. But if he only did this, he still didn't have a thorough understanding of finance, so Lao Zhang wanted to continue to expand, so he divided the people who lent him apples into three credit levels. Those with good credit would definitely repay the apples and set it to one Level 2: Those with average credit but houses in the village are set to Level 2, and those who may not be sure about Apple are set to Level 3.
Then he took the IOUs from these people and went to different landowners to borrow apples. In the end, he borrowed the most apples in theory, thus maximizing his profits. Speaking of which, can you understand? Can you give me a like? do you know? It’s hard for you to imagine how much money real capital has made through such operations. A certain platform once borrowed more than 3 billion in principal. In just a few years, it was enlarged more than 40 times, and a total of more than 300 billion was lent. Behind this is a leverage of up to hundreds of times. But this is just one of the many ways we know about it.
Then if we create a whitelist for those people who are good at repaying Apple credit on time, and then recommend them to other platforms, can we still earn an extra information fee? So now you know why you receive those harassing phone calls every day, right? And where do those platforms get their money? You should understand a little bit now, right? Although regulatory authorities have been cracking down on various chaos on various platforms in recent years, people who are unaware of their desires will still fall into it. Here it is, I sincerely hope that if you see this video, you can forward it to those who you can help. We refuse online loans and work hard. Can everyone come aboard as soon as possible? Whether you are a student, an office worker, a business owner, or even a mother, this year is a good window period. Next year will be the year of Jiachen, and it is also the year when new opportunities begin. Everyone, please act quickly.