
Stud and get rich! Vigorously miracle! I bought th



100 times! These inscription coins will explode immediately. Whether you can have wealth and freedom in this bull market depends entirely on them!

Turt, Mubi, Auction, and BSSB are coming with huge benefits. Which inscription is worth buying? As for World Coin’s major updates, let’s follow Shu Qin to see them.


It can be said that the current currency circle has reached an era where everyone is speculating on inscriptions. Does anyone know what the current daily transfer fee for Bitcoin is? It turned out to be an astonishing 560 Bitcoins!


Oh my god, this means that the transfer fees that everyone spends every day alone are as high as more than 20 million US dollars, and they are gradually increasing, which is really scary.

If calculated based on a year, the handling fees alone are nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars, and their actual transfer scale is a hundred times or a thousand times as much as the handling fees. It can be said that the main force in Bitcoin purchase now is these Inscription players, whether it is Mint, Both on-chain transfers and purchases require Bitcoin.

Therefore, the new 100x currency track for the bull market in the currency circle next year will most likely come from the major inscription ecology!


Many high-quality projects may now have a market value of tens or hundreds of millions, which is hundreds of times higher than the current tens of billions of traditional mainstream currencies.

And this is just a small bull market. When the big bulls come next year, they will follow Bitcoin and increase several times more. So it is really not just talk about the market value reaching 100 times next year, but now the inscription callback has given us a dip. Opportunity to enter.

However, although the inscription is good, it is a mixed bag!


After all, anyone can issue this inscription, and some native dog coins are short-lived. Therefore, if you want to truly achieve the long-term goal of 100 times, it must have unique technology, practical applications and a relatively small market capitalization to stand out. Now there are several coins that meet these requirements. Let’s talk about them one by one.

Ah, let me start with the inscription that I am more optimistic about. It is Turt.


This project is incredible. What he does is a new creation and coin issuance platform on BRC20. Many projects’ public offerings and our retail investors have to go through him, so that new projects can raise start-up funds, and early investors can Get pre-sale tokens at low prices. Therefore, creating a new platform is an important infrastructure in any chain.


Coins such as Mubi, Rait and Dova, which are currently rising rapidly, were issued from here. Their market values ​​are over 100 million, which can be said to be extremely valuable. Ah, this is a bit like the Ethereum ICO in 2017. Everyone is issuing coins and creating new coins, and the demand in this area is particularly strong.

But now this is just a small fight.


When the big bull market later comes and all kinds of air coins are flying all over the sky, that’s when this track will really explode. And Shu Qin can tell you a little tidbit. The market-making institution behind this currency is DWF, the tens-billion giant in the currency circle. If you are interested, you can check it out.


And this coin is very new. The current market value is only 60 million, which is less than 100 million. Shu Qin shouted this on the show yesterday, and now it has doubled.

And it itself has launched so many King Inscription projects, its strength is obvious to all. It is already on some small platforms. We can find it in Binance’s Web3 wallet, and it may have the opportunity to be on other mainstream transactions in the next few months. Place.


Then there is Auction, an old project of the same type. This coin has already exploded. He has logged into Binance and has a market value of over 200 million, which is pretty good.

However, although it is part of the Bitcoin ecosystem, it is not an inscription, because there was no concept of inscription when it was released, so it is an Ethereum token, which everyone should pay attention to.

In addition to the currency issuance platform, a complete ecosystem also has another important track, which is the stable currency of this chain. Therefore, you can also ambush the BSSB project. It is directly benchmarked against the Ethereum manufacturer.

As everyone knows about the latter, he issued Dai, the stable currency of Ethereum, and his own market value also reached 1.3 billion, which is very astonishing.

The current market value of the stablecoin project of Inscription BSSB is only 100 million, and it has not yet been listed on mainstream exchanges. It is currently only available in Web3 wallets such as Binance. If you are interested, you can also check it out.

At this point, you may have discovered that the current Bitcoin ecosystem can be said to be a blank sheet of paper. It has just begun to sprout. It has too much narrative space and growth potential, so taking advantage of the current pullback, you can ambush the dips. .

Of course, Benqin’s current favorite is Mubi. It is the first Defi on the Mingwen Network, and it also covers important functions such as cross-chain bridges, staking to earn coins, and stable coins, all of which will be launched in the next few months.

Ah Shuqin just said in the last video that he would log in to major exchanges one after another. Sure enough, he started to log in to the exchanges one after another. Yesterday, he logged in to Sun Ge’s HB.

And I think it’s not over yet, because Sats and Rats, two internet celebrity coins, are both listed on Binance. So why can’t Mubi, the real inscription king, do the same? Maybe on the day he logs in, his market value will reach 501 billion.

Not only that, he will also launch an NFT cross-chain bridge between Bitcoin and Ethereum networks before this weekend, allowing users of Blur or OpenSea to easily access the Bitcoin inscription ecosystem. It can be seen that the project team has really been doing something. This kind of solid project will most likely be listed on more mainstream exchanges in the future.

As for this project, Shu Qin led water friends to lay out it as early as 0.14 last Thursday. It tripled in just one day, and then our TURT also took off. It was really exciting!

This piano is updated every day. Babies who are interested in this aspect can come and take a look.

Okay, let's continue.

Eh? I don’t know if you have noticed a phenomenon. In the currency circle, there are definitely "foolish people" who are lucky. Those who think they are smart despise the inscriptions and sell them when they rise a little. As a result, they are all on the eve of the outbreak. It’s the idiots they looked down upon who, because of their faith, got to the end of Ordi or Rats and so on, and achieved nearly a hundredfold growth.

Ah, in fact, Shu Qin was rumored to be in disgrace when he entered the currency circle in 2017. My classmates thought I was a fool and not doing my job properly. They all considered themselves smart. Ah, everyone has seen the result, right? After two cycles, Shu Qin is now moving towards a nine-digit net worth.

So it can be seen that the consensus of fools is also a consensus. The only people who make money in the currency circle are those who can’t sell it after being in jail for a few years. That’s fools like us. Because everyone has faith in their hearts, they can hold on to it, and in the end they all become rich!

Therefore, watching Shu Qin’s program can not only learn knowledge, but also recharge your faith. No matter how many setbacks I experience in my life, my program will always be positive because we are all family!

Finally, let’s take a look at the good news about World Coin WLD.

This coin has been so popular recently that it has doubled in two days. The reason is that it officially announced the 2.0 upgrade plan, which is very critical.

His update this time solves the huge limitation of iris scanning. In the future, everyone can log in directly with social media accounts, and he will also introduce application building in the next few months, allowing software developers to build various apps on it.

At the same time, the processing speed of his project is also 24 times faster than version 1.0, which is really exciting.

But everyone should also pay attention. This coin is good, but its total market value has reached more than 40 billion, and only 1% of its coins are currently unlocked.

Although this can create a situation where it is hard to find a coin in the short term and promote the rise, as 99% of the coins continue to be unlocked and flow into the market, its long-term trend is actually not optimistic.

So the project is definitely a king project, but everyone should also pay attention to its token model~

Okay, that’s it for today’s program. Please pay attention to us, let’s gain wealth and freedom together in this bull market!









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