尽管在加密货币寒冬之后,加密货币的历史高点有所回落,但加密货币世界似乎已经开始解冻。目前,到 2023 年,加密货币的总市值将超过 1.21 万亿美元,这表明大量资本正在流入所有区块链相关服务。进入这一领域的部分资金来自公共利益,通常是通过有效的公关活动产生并发起的。
目前,大约 90% 的美国人无法通过基本的加密货币素养测试,不了解有关加密货币是什么及其用途的基本概念。考虑到教育的缺乏,任何想要赢得公众青睐的品牌都需要经历一场艰苦的战斗。这种即时的劣势是加密货币公司经常求助于公关专家来发起活动的主要原因之一。
由于加密货币落入谷歌的“你的钱”之下,创造动力,尤其是在公共领域,也变得更加困难;你的人生原则。 YM; YL 是一套严格的搜索法规,可确保与金融、医疗保健或法律建议相关的任何结果都必须满足一组附加要求才能在 Google 上排名良好。
CoinBase 超级碗广告
2022 年超级碗期间,知名加密货币交易所 CoinBase 推出了一分钟广告。该广告由一个在屏幕上弹跳的华丽二维码组成,让人想起彩色弹跳的 DVD 徽标。尽管极其简单,这则广告却向任何在 2 月底之前通过该平台注册的人承诺免费赠送 15 美元的比特币。
With the upward trajectory at the time, this was a powerful offering, helping to engage users and drive installs. In the week that followed the Super Bowl, the app saw a 309% increase in downloads and a further 286% increase in the following days. This impressive result demonstrated the power of a well-placed and simplistic campaign.
Equally, CoinBase followed up the ad with a range of press releases, helping it to snowball media attention. By writing and then engaging with crypto newswire services, they were able to create powerful news beats that flooded the internet before and after the event. This powerful strategy ensured that people continued to talk about the ad for weeks after the minute advert had ended.
The Binance Burj Khalifa Light Show
For many users, cryptocurrency is still a flashy new medium that not many understand. To align with this expectation and then subvert it, Binance ran an extremely flashy ad on the Burj Khalifa. After obtaining a permit, they conducted a minute-long light show on the building, with impressive visuals capturing the attention of the city.
The Binance account commented on the spectacle, suggesting that this event was a demonstration of their commitment to the region. Especially considering the high average wealth of a resident of Dubai, the event was extremely well-positioned and helped to increase public awareness and positive perceptions of the brand.
Crypto.com’s Fortune Favors the Brave
Late in 2022, Crypto.com announced a new advertising campaign that centered around the slogan “Fortune favors the brave.” The campaign was headed up by Matt Damon, using traditional celebrity influencer marketing to make the public take an interest in the campaign.
Considering the general public’s liking of Matt Damon, this was a stunt that pulled in a huge amount of both public and media attention, helping to increase public awareness of the crypto.com brand. Over the next few months of running the campaign, this slogan was all over internet media, traditional billboards in major cities around the world, and even in newspapers.
For Crypto.com, the campaign managed to garner lots of public attention. However, it has come under attack in recent months due to the fall in average crypto prices and Matt Damon’s association with this changing financial landscape.
Final Thoughts
Although still an evolving field that has a lot of ground to make, cryptocurrency is one of the most exciting new entries into the world of public relations. Crypto PR has the unique advantage of adventuring into uncharted territory, with each new campaign having the chance to overcome previous entries into this arena.
在过去的几年里,我们一次又一次地看到创意团队可以彻底改变加密货币公关的面貌,采取创新的方法并在此过程中培育出令人眼花缭乱的成果。我们在此列表中使用的示例,无论是通过 CoinBase 进入传统领域,还是像 Binance 那样引起轰动,还是像 Crypto.com 这样的制胜且可重复的口号,都证明了加密货币公关的力量有多么强大。
加密货币领域公关案例研究的三个强有力的例子首先出现在 Metaverse Post 上。